Friday, August 7, 2020

lost my period while dieting?

I'm a 17f that has lost around 7 kg over the past three months (60kg to 53kg at 160 cm) and I've missed my period this month. Obviously I'm not underweight; and I have had recent blood tests done that show that I'm in the normal range for all my micronutrients and such so malnutrition isn't concern. That being said, to achieve noticeable weight loss, for the past three months (except for a stretch of 9 days where I was on vacation and therefore eating normally) I have doing a 5-day-long cycle where I eat 700-800 calories a day cos it's a 500 calorie deficit from my BMR and one (reasonable, and focused on nutrient dense foods) cheat day every sixth day. This also generally involves 40 minutes of light cardio 3-4 times a week. Is this restriction the reason for the absence of my monthlies? Should I bump up my calorie intake to 1200, which is my supposed BMR? How many calories should I even be eating for maintenance; as I've seen wildly different reports (NHS website says 17 yr old girls should be eating 2300 calories a day but I assume they're talking about girls more endowed in the height department than I) Is the loss of my period a problem with my macros, i.e not enough fat? Please assist.

EDIT: Thank you all for the prompt replies! I definitely needed some perspective on the situation; as my perception of how much I need to eat tends to be unreliable. I think I will go ahead and bump up my calorie intake. I dunno about seeing a doctor just yet because I just saw my gp a week ago but if after a few weeks of eating at TDEE instead of at my BMR my period does not return, I will definitely book an appointment. Thanks again!

submitted by /u/uncoolperson400
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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