Sunday, August 16, 2020

NSV: I fit into my prom dress.

I'm only 20, graduated high school in 2018, and have struggled with my weight since middle school. I do not exaggerate when I say that high school was the worst time of my life - my mental health was destroying, things were happening in my family life that were not great, so being overweight was just the cherry on top.

My weight made me miss my senior prom. (Well, more like my insecurity about my weight made me miss my prom.) I cried when I didn't really fit into my prom dress that year. It sucked. I had picked out a dress I was absolutely in love with for my first and only prom, and I didn't fit into it. So I didn't go.

Back in May, I started taking my weight loss seriously. Thanks to CICO (limiting my calories to ~1500/day) and occasionally working out (1-3x a week) I've lost around 30 pounds since then. And as I was cleaning out my closet to sell things before I move back out to college, I came across my prom dress. And I tried it on.

And it fit.

I was not expecting it to actually fit in the slightest. Sure, I was expecting it to be a little looser, but truth be told, I've had a hard time actually visualizing how much weight I've lost. This was one of those moments of clarity. For the second time I cried (only a little!) when I put on my prom dress, because it served as a marker not only of the progress I've made in my weight loss, but how far I've come since one of the darkest parts of my life. I've still got a ways to go in my journey, but after running into a mental wall, this was the push I needed to remind myself to keep going (semi-obligatory pic of the dress in question)

submitted by /u/danieexe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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