Friday, August 21, 2020

ONEDERLAND (sang to the best of Waterloo) Down 50+ lbs in 4 months!!!

This week has been hard. I’m a teacher and we’re doing blended learning. Which means half my kids are in class, half are online. Online kids are struggling and I don’t have time to help them when they need it because I’m dealing with my in class kids.

So I’ve needed this win of hitting ONDERLAND today. I started out at 250 back in March. Gained a bunch over the first couple of weeks of quarantine as I got super depressed. I just drank and ate all day long. My stretchy pants got tight. I could constantly feel my heart struggling. My naked body was so embarrassing my husband hadn’t seen me naked with the lights on in a good ten years. My clothes didn’t fit. I’d find excuses to not go places or leave the house. I hated being around adult friends who were definitely judging me. I was no longer enjoying life as everything felt like a struggle.

Decided no more!

I started walking everyday for a few hours (highest daily walk was 12 miles). Stopped drinking. And limited my calories to 1200.

It’s been hard. Some weeks I walk 110 miles, eat 800 calories and still gain a pound. Other weeks I have cheat days and walk 7 miles a day and lose 5 pounds. Weight loss is weird. But CICO works. You just have to keep at it and don’t stress about the daily scale.

submitted by /u/trixie_trixie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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