Sunday, August 9, 2020

So much is out of my control - my weight isn’t.

STAT: 5’7 SW:196; CW:157; GW:143

I’m new here. Also live in a country that uses the metric system so not used to pounds and feet and stuff.

Currently there are things in my life that have a major effect on me but I cannot change them. My husband’s income was slashed by 75% before COVID. The financial stress has been getting to me. I feel like crap for not earning enough. I have no control over my husband’s company. I can’t help him. The pandemic is another thing I have no control over.

Two months ago I took control of my health and weight. The world might be going to hell but I still have a choice about what I do with my body. I’d rather be poor and skinny than poor and fat. Kidding. Sort of.

I’m turning 30 later this year. I have been reflecting a lot about my the roller coaster that has been my weight loss journey.

2013: I weighed 161 lb at my sister’s wedding. I was disgusted with how I looked.

2014: 147 lb for my wedding. Was happy with my weight and got there without trying. I was just so happy during my engagement.

2015: back up to 160 lb. I was quite sick that year.

2016: 137 lb. but I lost weight because I had 6months of grueling medical treatment. Finished second degree.

2017+2018: 154 lb. Even though that’s not a bad weight I was very unhappy with my weight. I did my masters in this time.

2019: 196 lb at the end of my pregnancy. So I’m not sure how to count that. Obviously I’m supposed to gain weight but I did gain more than I should have.

2020: started the year on 174 lb now 157 lb. this time I am happy with my weight. Even if I’d like to lose some more.

Bottom line is my main goal right now is to figure out how to stop yo-yo ing. Time to get off the roller coaster and learn how to maintain weight.

submitted by /u/Vonnybon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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