Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Um please help

Ok so I don’t really post on reddit but I have no one to talk to in real life about this and honestly just need help really badly. Could be a possible TW for people with eating disorders for mention of low calories... I have lost like 20 pounds by calorie counting and eating around 250 calories per day and at most like 600 calories on occasions. yes i know it’s absolutely terrible and not safe which is why im here. My plan was once I reached my first goal weight was to raise my calories to a less extreme deficit and then eventually go to maintenance calories for my new lower weight. I only was eating SUCH low calories because I was being monitored and expected to lose 1 lb per day which for me was only doable under 300 calories which I thought was insane and thought “oh I must just count calories very very wrong” EVEN THOUGH I weigh absolutely everything I eat and i just know that its very accurate but I still just told myself that because it makes no sense. If i eat upwards of 300 calories to at most 800 calories in a day I will maintain and found that if i eat more I’ll gain weight (i mean who knows if its fat but definitely weight which now I cant lose) I attempted to raise my calories to 500 for a few days but found I gained back these 3 pounds that I still cant lose because I feel its just absurd to continue on 250 calories until I lose the rest but even then, what will I do if i lose it again ? try to maintain the way I did before and then gain it back AGAIN? So for the past week-ish ive been eating around 300-500 calories per day and ive just been maintaining the 3 pound gain. its not even like im going over what should be my maintenance which is why its SO WEIRD. I might have REALLY damaged my metabolism which I want to fix but Im just on here because everyday I literally wont let myself eat a normal deficit because my brain is telling me I will just gain more weight. I need someone else to tell me exactly what to do because what’s difficult is if i try to tell myself to raise my calories to a NORMAL not EXTREME deficit or even maintaince my brain will literally just say Im not counting my calories correctly and thats why im maintaining and I just need to lower my calories even more. Please Please PLEASE tell me what to do and what is logical here!! based off of any research i have done as long as you aren’t in a surplus you wont gain and yet i cant bring myself to experiment because my weight loss is being monitored and I cant talk to anyone about this because no one knows. Someone who is educated please let me know what the best thing for me to do is.

submitted by /u/ellaaiko
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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