Friday, August 14, 2020

Week 1 down....for the like 393th time!

A few years ago I lost a ton of weight, but through stress and other health issues I stress ate until I gained back the 60 I lost and 55 more. I top out now at 354.2 pounds (I weigh myself on Saturdays so maybe less!). My health issues are worse, but not weight related surprisingly (all my blood tests say I have everything at perfectly healthy levels for a 32 year old woman except vitamin D, but hell, i work in an office and a lot of folk have vitD issues, not something hard to fix) I started having seizures, and after test after test after test, they cannot find ANYTHING wrong with me yet so this was my final kick in the ass to be like "grapefruit, LOSE THE DAMN WEIGHT!" because they might just be from stressing out and weight doesn't help.

I've started a diet many times but gave up when the slightest thing got hard. Now, I'm motivated, have set TINY goals this time and I'm doing great. Setting big goals was good but I wanted them done fast and that damn near impossible. Big goals now need to be long term (idk why this just clicked, but a lot of weight loss stuff has finally clicked for me).

I'm not relying on my boyfriend to help me through this (he is supportive though but I relied on him to hold my hand stepping over a crack last time and it made me guilt myself) because this time I am doing it for me! And that was a damn hard thing to wrap my mind around as well I've always been the overly giving and caring person. Now it's been time to care for myself.

I promised myself if this week I did dishes everyday after dinner I could buy myself the knitting kit I want, and guess what, everyday I've done dishes and I gotta say it is SO MUCH NICER to do 5 minutes worth of dishes every night instead of letting a few pile up here in there over the course of a few days to then have to do an hours worth because craps hardened on them. Now I can reward myself (small goal yay!)

I even told myself to go on a walk during my lunch everyday, so everyday this week I've walked around the block at work, only 15 minutes but IT IS SOMETHING! (I used to force myself to workout for an hour a day and just HATED IT, now I realize any extra movement is something and I've already wanted to start doing more because I'm feeling so much better!)

I also set a goal to put my make up on everyday for work. I love make up, I have really nice blue eyes that I sometimes take a little too much pride in (Hell, the only recognition i got in HS was I won best eyes my senior year and that just fueled my confidence, even 15 years later) and I make sure they are just stunning everyday. I've done this now for three weeks, and I am no longer feeling selfish for wanting myself to feel good. It's helped with everything else. I've also started doing my hair everyday as well, which is annoying buy I'm learning and it's looking good, I discovered it's curly so I'm going to dip a toe into the curly girl method.

So yeah, I've been feeling good finally and it is the most amazing thing to feel and is motivating more to lose the weight I want to lose. My medication gives me bad brain fog and memory loss (among the mild things) but just this last week I have noticed the slightest improvements, even if I'm just remembering a word or when I did something, it's an achievement.

submitted by /u/Grapefruit-Sensitive
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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