Sunday, August 2, 2020

Weight Loss

Hey all,

I'm 6'3 and roughly 315-320 pounds. I've got a few ideas as far as working out and exercising goes, but my biggest issue is food. I'm turning 23 in a few days and haven't touched a fruit or vegetable since if I had to guess was about 5 or 6 years old. The only heathly things I'm aware of that I eat is eggs and under certain diet criteria sausage, but I think that's more of a fatty meat, I'm not sure. I keep being told rice is a good start for anyone losing weight, but I don't eat that either. I'm trying to find something most people find easy to eat that is also healthy. I've had a lot of personal things go down in the past week(not even health related) and I'm just looking to change my life for the better. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/Nightowl1254
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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