Sunday, June 13, 2021

2nd Go At Weight Loss Need Tips.

19M 5'7 227

Please skip to the tips if you don't care about my little story. Just wanted to share it since I don't really have anyone to tell about it. I care more about the help..

Tldr; I was really fat, became a little less fat, now I'm really fat again and need help.

First Journey

So summer 2019 when I was 17, I decided I want to lose weight. I cut sodas and started eating less food, didn't really count calories but guessed how many I ate, so probably 1500-2000 a day. I DEFINETELY didn't eat healthy AT ALL, I still ate like shit but in moderation. For exercise I periodically went on walks throughout the day and averaged around 3-4 miles a day throughout that span. Went from 251 to plateauing at 197 in about 7 months. Not sure if I just gave up but I stayed around there for a few months. Then in June I started going to the gym with my friend. I was around 200 at that time and then throughout the 2 months I went up to 210 by August. Our schedules ended up not aligning, and with (at this point crippling) social anxiety and a 20 minute drive, I stopped going. At that point I just really gave up, and ended up being 240 by March. I still walked a lot even during the first few months of the plateau but I just couldn't keep a calorie deficit. I would try over and over but I guess not hard enough as I'd fail every time.

Back On It

Now I think I'm back on track with a Calorie deficit. I was about 237/240 starting in May and right now I'm about 227. First week, I did the approach where I'd eat whatever I wanted. Fried foods and ketchup, but a couple weeks ago I decided that it would be better to try to eat healthier this time. Last week I ate relatively healthy, but not completely. And this past week I went a whole week with eating Chicken, Rice, Vegetables, and Fruits everyday (besides a cheat meal where I had Zaxby's). I'm doing the same thing with the exercise as I did my first time. I haven't really been counting calories but I did today, really trying to keep consistent at that.

Need Some Tips


So here's where I need help. I feel like with this "healthy" eating I'm eating way too little but I'm afraid to eat more and I'm not even that hungry. Today I counted my calories and I apparently only had around 600. So off that, except on days where I potentially ate more fruits than other days (and my cheat meal), this whole last week I've only been consuming that much. I don't feel that hungry and it's not like I'm drained of energy. But at the same time it's only been a week. I also don't even know if that's true at this point, because tomorrow is my weigh in day, and as of right now I'm the same weight as I was last week. The weeks were I ate like shit I had lost weight.


So with the periodically walking an average of 3-4 miles a day, would I be better off just going to the gym and hitting the treadmill/weights? Would treadmill with an incline and incorporating running be more beneficial? I have a friend who went from 240 to 170 2 years ago (5 or so months, and now 150) and kept it off. I found his routine was something along the lines of walking and running for 20-25 minutes, which is a lot less time than I spend walking. I don't mind walking cause I do it when I'm genuinely bored instead of sitting around, but would I get more results with another routine. Closest gym is also a 20 minute drive away, but if it would be better exercise it's probably worth it.

If you read this it means a lot. Even if no one respond it was nice to vent, and if you do respond thanks for any help.

submitted by /u/tamallii
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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