Wednesday, June 9, 2021

How not to obsess?

42M, 6'2, SW: 300 lbs, CW: 281 lbs, GW: 200 lbs.

About six weeks ago I hopped on the scale my partner keeps in the house. I had been avoiding it for months, knowing I gained weight during covid from working at home and not doing much more than a basic 20-30 minutes of light cardio every other day. What I saw shocked and terrified me: 300 lbs. pretty much on the button. I work at a medical school and have sat in on a large number of lectures regarding various medical conditions, and have heard again and again how being overweight exacerbates most or all of them. There was no way I could rationalize it or keep doing what I was doing: I needed to lose weight.

I did some research and downloaded a calorie counter app. I started myself off with a daily intake of 2000 calories, and increased my cardio to a daily workout of 30 minutes at moderate to high intensity. Rather than sweets or junk, my problem has always been overeating (like 2-3x what is normal), so just measuring things out and using healthy snacks like carrots and apples to curb my appetite was easy enough to do. The results have been great so far, I'm down almost twenty pounds from where I started and my enthusiasm and focus on my goals are strong.

Here's my question for those on a similar journey: how to do you avoid obsessing over the minutiae of weight loss? I understand this is a non-linear process, but if I see a lack of weight loss on a weigh in, or a slight increase of half a pound, it make me feel like garbage, even though I KNOW it's totally normal. I end up thinking about it all day, wondering if I'm plateauing, if I'm doing something wrong, etc. Does anyone have any tips or tricks to help put the topic out of mind except when it's relevant (ie meal and exercise times)? This journey is important to me, but I also don't want it invading my mind when I'm working, or enjoying time with my partner or reading or what have you. Thanks for any advice, really happy to have found this community.

submitted by /u/rlextherobot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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