Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Does anyone else have random periods of OBSESSING over weight-loss data and/or predictions?

tl;dr I obsess over weight loss data and predictions. It makes my regulated (read: boring) daily weight loss routine more exciting. Any similar experiences/thoughts on this habit?

22F 5'6" SW:235lbs CW:185lbs GW:140-150lbs -50lbs

I've been losing weight and transitioning to a healthier lifestyle since March 2019. I'm someone who loves data, so in that time, I've collected data through spreadsheets, MFP, a body measurement app and in the last 3 months, daily weigh-ins Happy Scale. These data drive home to me to mathematical and scientific aspects of weight loss (which I appreciate), while allowing me to see my overall progress as well as make reasonable predications about my progress.

For the most part, I use these resources as occasional points of reference (I weigh in daily and review/update spreadsheets once a week), but once every 2-4 weeks when I'm extremely bored, sometimes more often, I find myself OBSESSING over my data, ESPECIALLY the "goal weight attained" prediction date. I know it's an unhealthy habit, but something just takes over me and I find myself reviewing all the data and making predictions based on different activity levels and/or different calorie deficits. I usually snap out of it after an hour and I never make any drastic changes after one of these obsession sessions, because I'm aware that the changes could lead to disordered eating habits and compulsive exercise habits.

My theory is about why I do this is this: I've been steadily on this journey for so long that it's become boring and just a regular part of my schedule. Normally, this isn't an issue and I prefer to have an established routine than to run solely on motivation because that eventually, if not immediately, die out (as I learned pretty quickly in past attempts), but I think part of me misses those first weeks of excitement when I started 2 years ago: losing weight as predicted by CICO and sometimes, losing more than predicted. In those early days, I felt a certain giddiness and excitement that really isn't anymore except for when I hit a planned milestone. When I find myself obsessing, I have a newfound excitement for what I'm doing and for future results to come that allows me to relive the early days, while also taking a mental break from the regularity and boredom of my routine. When the obsession session is over, I come back to reality and don't usually feel bad for having obsessed, though I do see it as a waste of time and occasionally disturbing (and I sometimes do it to avoid stressing/thinking about a current life event, which isn't the greatest thing but that's another topic).

Do you find yourself in a similar situation of obsessing? Why do you think you do it?

submitted by /u/imkindabald
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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