Sunday, June 13, 2021

I went from 200lb to 112lb in a year! Some things I learned.

Hi all, I'm really chuffed that I managed to lose 88lb (44% of my body weight) over the last year so I thought I'd share some things that worked for me in case they're useful for anyone else too! Of course ymmv. Progress pic here if anyone's interested. Ignore the disgraceful mess, I fully expected to fail and never have any reason to share it.

  1. Follow the advice on this sub: find your rough tdee, choose your deficit and stick to it! Use an app, any app, to track everything you eat. This is really the only thing that's going to lead to weight loss. I had to stop making excuses and be realistic about how much I was eating.
  2. Track your food before you eat it. I plan out my food in the morning or evening before. You can still play around with it as the day goes on, but it stops you from blowing all your calories by lunch.
  3. Eat yo veggies! Without any oil and dressings. I ate at least 8-10 portions of fruit and veg every day and genuinely like it now. Salad is the main meal. Also I dare you to binge on cucumber. I must admit I had to learn to love it, but veg really fills you up, it's super good for you and of course low calorie.
  4. Make it easy for yourself. If you love cooking that's great, but I'm way too lazy to commit to cooking healthy meals every day. I did this on raw veggies, microwaved veggie soups, stir fries out of a packet etc.
  5. I didn't plan "cheat meals", but I have the mentality that I'm choosing every day whether I want to lose weight or eat all the cake. Some days I'll eat the cake but most days, losing weight is more important to me.
  6. Exercise is for fun and for health, not for weight loss. Not eating a chocolate bar is always going to be easier than running 2-3 miles.

Also being short sucks! It's so much harder to maintain a decent deficit. Solidarity to all the other short women trying to lose weight, you're absolute troopers.

submitted by /u/doodlemoo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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