Monday, June 7, 2021

It’s okay to fail at weight loss and find something to power it!

I’ve tried losing weight in the past and have always re-gained, plus some, every time. And I always tried to do the extreme diets, such as only eating fruits and veggies, while exercising 3x’s a week. I would do well, lose the weight, and then something would happen, or I’ll allow one bad day of eating lead to binging throughout the week. Then my diet would be done and I was back to eating a ton of fast food, takeout and quit exercising. Before long, I’d be 100+ lbs and miserable again.

What I’ve learned this time around was it’s okay to fail, because in previous times I had adopted the mindset of perfection. Meaning that, if I didn’t eat what I was supposed to eat that day, then I ruined my diet. That attitude would immediately snowball into the thought of: “F&(k it, I might as well eat what I want now” and go stuff my face in the kitchen. Having that attitude killed my progress, so this time I focused on getting back on track whenever I slipped-up and not worrying too much about being perfect.

I do CICO, eating 1,200 calories per day (F31 5’3) and exercising 3x’s a week. I had started-of walking 20 minutes-a-day, then kicking-it-up to 30, 40 minutes before I began C25K. As of this morning, I have just finished running an hour and six minutes straight, doing about 3 miles. I began to beat myself up about how I aught to be able to run a 5K in less than 60 minutes, until I forced myself to flip the thought with: “You just beat your previous, longest run. You’re awesome!” Also, my birthday was last month and my eating went off track. Some days I ate over 2k+ calories. But, again, I simple told myself that I’m not perfect, because this is a lifestyle change, not a temporary one.

You see, when Easter rolled around I had also eaten way over my deficient. It caused my weight-loss to stagnate and for me to gain 5lbs. I felt like a failure for allowing myself to overeat, but I tried to tell myself that I’m not perfect and to get back at it. To my surprise, 2 weeks later, I was back on to losing 1-2lbs a week and have actually lost the right amount from when I overate over Easter. It’s as if my body shrugged off the extra calories and corrected itself. Those few days of overeating didn’t phase my system in the slightest.

Now, after finishing my run I’m feeling pretty good about my progress so far. Despite overeating in May (brother treating me to Currywurst at a local biergarten and my b-day celebration with my hubby and his family), I still weighed-in at 169lbs Saturday, and even though I weighed-in at 171lbs this morning, I always know it’s temporary. Even if I eat over 100, 200 calories, I’m still solid. I’m still going to lose the weight, so long as I don’t completely give-up. I do my runs, I try to eat at my limit, and I keep a positive attitude about it. If I step on the scale, I don’t sweat the numbers, because I know my body will eventually correct itself. Because I know it’s only 1 day and I got to keep going.

My ultimate goal is to travel to Germany (when it’s safe to travel again). 🇩🇪 When I run, I imagine I’m running in the Black Forest. Or, when I feel like walking, I say aloud: “C’mon, Germany isn’t going to run itself!” Or, “You want to go to Deutschland, don’t you?” Having that non-food incentive to push myself, every fork of food I put in my mouth, every negative thought turned to a positive thought, every affirmation, keeps me going forward.

Also, aside from going to Deutschland, I browse cute clothes on websites and create “Dreamlist” of my future wardrobe. I watch travel videos, visit websites, look at beautiful dirndl’s for Oktoberfest, and it all helps!

And while stressful situations have arisen and I desperately long to go to the fridge or cupboard to stuff my face, I instead look down at my phone and begin browsing clothes, or research a new town in Germany. Lastly, my hubby has been so proud of my weight-loss (seeing him so happy makes me happy) and I’ve been pulling out old clothes from my wardrobe to wear, and it makes it all worth it!

Fine something, some kind of nugget to chase, in order to achieve your weight-loss dream! Learn how to handle your stress that doesn’t involve food! Flip those negative thoughts to positive ones! And be okay to not be perfect on your weight-loss journey!

Keep pushing forward because you got this.

submitted by /u/FutureAuthorSummer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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