Sunday, June 13, 2021

Snacking Advice, the last piece to my puzzle (I hope)

So I recently realized that I'd regained all the weight I lost in 2018-19 and then some (my weight loss graph looks like a big old V).

Unfortunately, what worked for me last time probably isn't going to work again. Last time I pushed through things by going to the gym with a buddy who was really competitive - we'd be on the treadmill from 10 pm post work to 2 or 3 in the morning because neither of us wanted to step off first. I'd also be at school first thing in the morning, then immediately drive to work, then immediately go to the gym (my buddy was a coworker and we closed every night). The result was almost no time to snack or even think about being hungry. (unlimited free pizza and still managed to lose tons of weight, I miss it).

However, that buddy has since moved across the country, none of my other friends are competitive or want to go to the gym, plus covid! I also now have a 9-5 type job that's work from home, and attend law school in the evenings so I don't have anywhere near as much time for gym-going. This is partially offset by a 'bike-desk' I have so I can bike during work. This means that I have opportunities and time to exercise during work even if it's not my favorite thing and is harder to do without the motivation of competition. (The new motivation is my boyfriend's agreement to get a cat when I hit my goal of losing 60 pounds (my idea not his, he's super supportive no matter what)).

So, I have exercise and motivation. What I don't have is snacking.

I used to just not have time to eat, now I'm home 24/7 and am sooo bad at not snacking. I have, at this point, given up on not snacking and am instead focused on trying to minimize the impact. So I have eaten just heads of iceberg lettuce (don't judge I like the crisp texture lol), cauliflower/broccoli without butter or cheese, baby carrots, tomatoes with salt, etc.

I'm looking for more ideas on what to snack on because if I eat the same thing for too long I will hate it no matter how much I loved it before. Whenever I try to look up ideas it's things like 'homemade granola' or other "health" ideas, but I'm just looking for low calories not nutritionally balanced and am unsure what other veggies/fruits are good? (especially since a lot of fruit is high in natural sugars)

cucumbers are another idea I haven't tried yet, I do not like celery without peanut butter, and the peanut butter kind of offsets the whole low-calorie idea. . . I've considered doing things like chewing gum just so I have something to chew on, and I drink a lot of black coffee to reduce actual hunger. I just like to snack regardless of huger :(

Any advice - or links to other posts that discuss this topic would be amazing (just like all of you are amazing!)

submitted by /u/Grabbing_Life
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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