Monday, June 14, 2021

Update: I bought myself ROLLERSKATES (and lost 85lbs!)

Hey guys!

Wow, did I get a tonne of responses and really helpful advice from my last post. I'm sorry that there were some questions I didn't answer - I bought my skates from skatehut, I was a little nervous doing so because I've always had really large, awkward and wide feet for a woman (thanks, dad.) But the skates fit perfectly!

A few people did specifically state that I should absolutely NOT start skating in an uncontrolled environment and should start in a skate rink. Unfortunately there are none open within a feasible distance to me, but I do live in an apartment complex with a very empty and flat enclosed parking lot. It is surfaced with very soft tarmac - I tied a rope from one pillar to another to use as a rail to aide with my balance, and also to make falling slightly less abrupt.

On my first day I could barely stand, and had to use my boyfriend to keep from falling constantly. On my second day I did three laps of the rope without falling. On my third day I did TWENTY LAPS! And then I tried to make it a cheeky twenty two and fell on my right buttcheek finishing the twenty first. Serves me right. I have watched a lot of tutorials and know how to try and fall, and I never practice without all my safety gear on.

I am slowly getting the hang of skating, and will probably keep using the string safety rail for several months until my form is perfect and I am used to falling correctly.

I thought with this update I would include a before/after photo of my weight (link below!) I also realised this weekend that I have lost a tonne of weight from my neck and face, specifically. Face gains.

Anyway, all I can say that all of my weight loss is attributed to my joy. I have spent many years being a very unhappy person, and I ate all of my feelings. Sometimes I still do, but less so, because I am more joyful now. I unsuccessfully tried to count calories for many years as a 300lbs person, but because I had no hope, and no aspirations, I relapsed constantly. I know you will all know what that's like - please always remember to be kind to yourselves, at any weight.

To conclude: I am halfway to my goal weight, and better at skating now than I was a week ago!

submitted by /u/deadmuesli
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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