Monday, June 7, 2021

When to make the move, and buy new clothing - Imposter Syndrome

(Before reading, I just wanna say that this post might not apply to everybody, and also assumes everyone has the ability to just randomly go out and buy new clothing. In the end, always do what you can with your budget, and what makes your comfortable.)

I wanted to share an experience with you guys,

For the last few weeks or so. I've slowly became more and more unhappy with my appearance.

I wasn't sure why. I was losing weight, I was on track, I was exercising, and all in all I was doing the physical things necessary to continue my personal weight loss journey. And yet, every time I looked in the mirror when I got dressed in the morning, I just looked...huge. Now obviously everyone has a different start, and a different end, and appearances are subjective.

But this trend of "bleh" continued on for about a week, until the other day when I was out with friends discussing the diet and exercise, and one of them remarked that I was still wearing the same clothing I had worn two months ago (Despite losing 30 lb since then) I told them that I hadn't lost enough weight yet to size down, but they laughed and told me to try on a smaller size when I went clothes shopping next, and so today I did.

Walking into a dressing room with a pair of pants and a shirt that were a size down, for me, brought up a lot of bad memories of weight gain and school clothes shopping as a kid.

But when I put on these new clothes, I found that they fit really, really well, in fact the size down had a quite impressive amount of room and flex to the pants I feel like I could have maybe even gone down another.

I took some photos and sent them to the aforementioned friends and they confirmed that it all fit and how I looked good.

I realized that I maybe could have done this earlier, or taken the chance. And that when I looked in the mirror with these new clothes, I no longer felt "blah" or felt the same lack-of-confidence.

The feeling, growing up, of putting on a pair of pants only to have them not fit. And the sweating in a dressing room, and the shame, put me in a mindset where I absolutely refuse to put on an article of clothing unless I'm sure it's going to fit. Even if shirts are literally hanging off me, I'll still choose them over getting new ones and possibly feeling that disappointment again.

But doing that possibly has a pretty big negative effect on your mindset, and really hides the details of your progress. So going forward I'm absolutely going to try to wear/buy things that fit me and donate the rest, and not be afraid to have a shirt or pair of pants be "too small" because I'm 100% sure if it's too small now, it won't be, later :)

I'd love to hear everybody's experience with sizing out of clothing, and when/how you make that conscious decision to get rid of something, or replace it. Also whether or not anybody has dealt with that feeling of Imposter Syndrome :)

submitted by /u/DannyABoi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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