Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Beware of Pill Pimps

So, yesterday I almost got pimped out at the gym. I work out at planet fitness and I was on my last machine, the ab crunch, and this couple in front of me kept staring at me.

I'm a big insecure girl, 305lbs, lost 5 pounds this month, so I thought they were laughing at me but I didn't say anything and I had my headphones on so whatever.

Well, the woman approached me and asked if I wanted to know how to burn fat quickly. I hesitantly said sure and she showed me her before and after pics and said her nutritionist gave her some pills and she lost all the weight in 3 months. I lied and said I'm on medication and left.

I've been at this weight loss thing for a while and I know that no real nutritionist if giving out diet pills. So, beware for pill pimps at your local Planet Fitnesses, you are not that desperate.

submitted by /u/Teddy4Gen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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