Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Non scale victory at the doctors office!

I had a doctors appointment follow up for an issue that is directly related to my weight. When I’d gone in at the start of the year, I was asked to start a medication that I’d likely need for life if I got on it. I’d declined to be medicated to try and work on my weight first, with my doctors tentative support.

I’ve lost close to 25 pounds since I saw her last, and she was absolutely thrilled for me! She literally jumped up and down for joy! She’s an amazingly supportive doctor, it was so great to have that kind of recognition from a her. She encouraged me to continue losing weight, and see how I am doing in another ten pounds before even considering medication intervention.

I’ve experienced myself the doubt and disbelief from doctors when one says they’ll lose the weight. I know it’s a hot button, that a lot of people swear they’ll do better but don’t. So it felt so good to be validated about my weight loss and to see her go from trepidation to absolutely 100% pumped up and supportive.

This non scale victory has seriously rejuvenated me. I’d started to get discouraged a little because of how slow my progress has been. But now I feel like I can definitely do it! So 25 pounds in 8 months isn’t a huge amount, it’s still off and staying off, and I’ll continue to slowly and steadily win my race.

Sorry for this being a little bit word vomity, automod removed it for being “too little content,” so I added a bit to it.

submitted by /u/CrispyOffal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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