Saturday, August 21, 2021

Both NSV/SV - A reflection in the changes I have seen

Today, I decided my diary entry would be a reflection of the differences I have found in my body over the past 4 - 5 months of weight change I've experienced.

Over the past few months- I've needed to take pictures of my weight loss progress to see a noticeable change. And it is only now, after losing 45lbs that I see both very big changes, while also a multitude of changes.

Rules say I must include details to my SV/NSV achievement. I've been following CICO since March, and since late April- jogging/walking 3 times a week- and just walking the other 4 days of the week. Some times I'll skip days here and there, so really it is exercise ranging 3 - 7 days a week. CICO I follow strictly through most of the week- having smaller breakfasts when I know I'll be having a big dinner with friends or family, etc. I've completely stopped snacking between meals.

Now, on to the reflection of changes I have seen in myself after losing 45lbs:

  • While my upper arms are still pretty fat- I can feel that they're much less pudgy when I lean on my elbow when sitting.
  • My fingers/hands don't look as chubby anymore- rather than each join being roundish, my fingers look straight, thin.
  • My thighs aren't as thick anymore- in fact, in certain ways I sit (knees bent up leaning back on the couch) there is a gap between my mid-thighs. I've never experienced this before.
  • I once measured my chest, waist, and hips several months ago. And just recently again- I've lost 3 inches off my chest and 4 inches off my hips.
    • This sounds like so little- but the change is extremely noticeable (see next bullet)
  • I use to wear size 16/18 jeans- now I wear a size 10.
    • I don't ever remember having jeans that small in the past. Even thinking back as far as High School (when I actually paid attention to my clothing size) I wore a 12/14
    • When I was trying on new jeans, and a 12 felt too big, I grabbed a 10 and looked at the opening and thought, "No way..." They looked way too small compared to everything I had ever worn in my life- my brain was trained to look at that opening of the jeans and think "No way, I can't fit into that"... and they fit me perfectly.
  • My stomach is more flat (I still have a tummy, but it doesn't nearly protrude out so much.) Where it protrudes now, resting, is similar to when I was 45lbs heavier and trying to suck in my stomach.
  • My double chin in photos and looking in the mirror are completely gone.
  • My back fat rolls have shrunk significantly. They're still there- but so much smaller.
  • My face shape is no longer a full circle- my cheeks, jaw, and chin are more defined.
  • I can wear medium women's t-shirts! My whole life I wore L/XL.
  • The slacks I bought in early June in preparation for my new job, that fit perfect when I bought them, now don't fit me 2 months later- they're too big.
  • When I lay in bed on my side, my legs on top of each other- my knees actually hurt from the contact of the bone together, where as before, my thick thighs padded them.
  • My resting heart rate used to be around 80 - 88 bpm. Now it is usually around 68 - 75 bpm.
    • With this I've also had a drop in cholesterol, and blood pressure. I was able to donate blood for the first time in years a few months ago.

These aren't all changes that I noticed at once. These were all things I slowly began to notice, ever few weeks, after 4 - 5 months of CICO and exercising. I decided tonight to write them all down- a reflection of all the amazing changes I've had in 4 - 5 months, from 45lbs of weight loss. They motivate me to keep going- to losing the final 35lbs to my goal weight.

I don't know why I felt the need to share all of this. Maybe because I feel like I can't talk much about it with people close to me. I've always been "the fat friend/cousin". I'm making these changes for myself, for my own happiness. But I also want to talk about the amazing progress I've made- since I truly am proud of the person I have become and am becoming.

submitted by /u/holy_woley
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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