Saturday, August 21, 2021

Gaining weight is not only unhealthy it is EXPENSIVE

Long story short I've gained around 60 lbs this past year and a half. I could blame the lockdown and the pandemic but no one forced those takeaways and sedentary lifestyle down my throat, so yeah, I messed up big time. Anywhoo, now that things are going back to normal and me being accepted to a new job that does require me to go into the office on the daily, it hit me: none of my old clothing fits anymore.

My somewhat clueless partner (skinny all his life) kept insisting on wearing clothing he'd seen like two years ago in the closet and kept asking me why not just go to Primark (major retailer of cheap clothing and exploiter of third world workers) and buy some stuff. Face flaming with shame, I had to explain to him the following:

  • A, none of my existing work attire fits me anymore, no, not even that one, stop pushing!
  • B, most high street retailers do not carry my size (UK 20-18) in store (or barely anything), maybe online
  • C, Primark caters to women who are at least 2 inches shorter than me (5`10.4"), so all the arms are short and tight, the waist falls awkward, the jeans are all short so that is why he's never seen me wearing their clothing. Also, I must be some freak of nature as some other retailers clothes would be spot on but the arms are so tight they cut circulation. Apparently, people are thick in the waist, large chested and have slim arms.

So I went online and thankfully managed to find stuff for fairly cheap that actually fits. I purchased 2 shirts (collared ones, not tees), one blouse and a pair of black jeans. I cost me £150. That might not be much for some, but for me especially being between two jobs was quite a blow. Not to mention that if I do continue to lose the weight these shirts and jeans will become too large in a matter of months, so it's not like these are long term investment. Where I am all the charity shops carry basically used Primark and low-quality stuff and why would I buy a used shirt for £5 when it costs £4 brand new? I wish we had the US style second hand shops here I'd have no issue wearing hand-me-downs, heck I spent my childhood in them.

In a fit of rage (or enlightment?) I've done the BIGGEST purge of my clothing. I've given to charity blazers only worn once, tops, brand new, never worn Levi's jeans (those were my "goal-jeans" for two weight loss attempts, too much negative association), £200 jackets, once worn leather high heels, twice worn Benetton wool coat etc. I've given away 98% of my wardrobe, only my home lounge wear, one winter jacket, two summer and two winter dresses remain. It feels good but sad. Those were my past attempts to be stylish but I' ve never really had a cohesive style.

This weight gain will cost me in the <£800 ballpark (including having to buy larger underwear, all that money spent on takeaways, now all that money wil be spent on new clothing, new underwear, new athletic wear, etc) by the time I can finally have clothing that I can keep on the long term. I will look up how to take in existing clothing on youtube to maximise the use of the ones I've just bought. I also plan to putting away money strictly for getting a new wardrobe by the time I hit a healthy weight and I will use one of those online personal shopper services where they help you find stuff and show you how to pair them.

So yeah, this is my story, I really wrote it out just to come to terms with what has happened.

submitted by /u/moonsofskyrim
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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