Sunday, August 22, 2021

I don't know if I'm going about things the right way, but I'm down 16lbs in just over a week and feeling super motivated... but what happens once my goal weight is achieved? Long post.

I (31M) am heavy... very, very heavy... the last time I was weighed in a medical setting I was 486lbs, and I'm certain I gained weight since then- quite possibly hitting 500lbs at some point. My diet had absolutely no semblance of regularity. That said, while I would frequently eat bad, it was a lot better in recent years than it was, say, 5+ years ago when it was reallllly bad... talking four burgers, 20 nuggets, two large fries, just to fill a 3am craving... So while the diet before I decided to do something was still far from good, it was a lot better than it had been in the past. Even before making changes I was still somewhat conscious of what I was eating and wasn't eating like before, without any consequence.

But a couple of months ago I decided I really wanted to take up boxing and finally take this weight loss thing seriously. I'd tried and failed with diets a few times in the past, but now, at age 31, felt it was really high time I made a change, because being this size continues to just rob me of so much life... it takes a massive toll on you of course physically (I am in horrible shape... always sweating and out of breath, and always with some aches and pains), but imo the real burden is what all it does to you psychologically. Anyways, after dealing with some debilitating pains for a month and a half, I finally started private boxing lessons with a really supportive and accommodating coach a few weeks ago, and completed my fourth lesson two days ago- my fifth one is tomorrow, and I'm slowly working my way up to going three times a week. He is great at pushing me to my limit, but not over it. At this size, there are several things to consider when doing such heavy workouts, with room for some potentially serious side-effects. But, again, he's great at recognizing my limits and pushes me to within an inch of them each session. Each class he pushes me further and further. While it's technically a boxing class, we focus about 80% on strength and conditioning, and only do boxing in the last 10-15 minutes. I leave the sessions completely drenched in sweat from head to toe and usually very sore, but for the first time in my life I'm not running away from the discomfort- I actually rather enjoy the feeling after, and almost find myself craving the next class, even if I know it's hell for me. Each class new exercises, stretches, and techniques, are introduced, giving me something to look forward to each time. It might sound crazy, but a goal of mine is to have one or two amateur boxing fights in 2-3 years time- coach thinks it's totally doable.

In addition to starting with the boxing, I started clean eating. And this is the part in my posts title which I refer to as perhaps not doing things the right way, because I've done a very drastic-- possibly detrimentally so-- calorie cut. I can't know for certain, but before I started I estimated I was consuming around 4,000 calories a day (somedays more, somedays less). Nowadays I'm averaging around just 1,500 calories- somedays I might barely break 2,000. I know this isn't ideal for my body and what it needs to maintain function, but I'm honestly feeling totally fine- not starving. It wasn't a conscious effort, but it just so worked out that I'm also intermittent fasting. I tend usually not to eat my first meal of the day until fairly late (sometimes around lunch or even later) and then just have one other meal before 6pm, which is my personal cutoff time. I've noticed I sleep a lot better without a full stomach. Breakfast is usually 2 or 3 eggs with 4 strips of a super low fat/calorie turkey bacon, a small piece of feta cheese, and some veggies- no oil is used. Sometimes I'll opt for some fruits and nuts instead. My second meal of the day is always a bit annoying to figure out since I hate meal prep and having to constantly worry about what to eat next, but usually it's a massive salad (with homemade vinaigrette type dressing) with some chicken breast. Other times when I really can't be bothered, I'll just get the same (chicken salad) from a restaurant, or a burrito bowl (but without any sour cream or calorie-rich sauces). I've had two cheat meals since starting this, but didn't want to sacrifice my progress, so they ended up being fairly clean as well... actually chicken salads also LOL, but I got some tasty apps (hummus, babaganoush, fried eggplant & cauliflower, etc.) and a fairly light desert. I was definitely still safe insofar as calories consumed, but I still felt guilty after. I've also been able to successfully avoid temptations while at friends houses during get-togethers where there's pizza, burgers, and all my old favourite foods- and, frankly, it really didn't take a whole lot of willpower to resist. I'm just sort of in this new mode where the bad stuff doesn't even cross my mind. The odd time when I get a craving for a food from my old lifestyle, it passes very quick, and I'm just overall much better at keeping my eye on the prize these days.

Anyways, about a week into this new lifestyle and at my friends urging, I decided to get a heavy duty scale. My first weigh-in was 476lbs, and now just 8 days after that I'm hitting 460! It's hard not to get excited seeing such a rapid drop, but I also know that that's probably quite excessive and probably not the healthiest. My goal weight is around 200-220lbs, and while I'm far from that, I'm already starting to worry about how I'll look at that weight-- loose skin + gaunt?--, but even more-so, what will happen moving forward? I've always loved food and there are so many things I hope to someday be able to eat again more frequently. Not daily or multiple times a day as I once did, but at least twice or three times a week. I'm not necessarily talking burgers and fries and pizza (though I certainly hope to enjoy those things again someday in moderation), but more "everyday" foods like pasta, rice, potatoes, fattier cuts of meat, etc. I would hate to put all this work in to reaching my goal, only to balloon back.

I'm not quite sure what the point of my post here was. I'm sure folks will criticize my method, but I'm honest to goodness not feeling bad in any way. Sometimes I feel more gassed out during training and I know that's due to intaking less calories, but I've learned to just eat more that day before a session- still all good healthy stuff of course. Mostly I'm just happy I didn't back away after the gruelling first session. Of course I'm happy to see the number come down as well, but yeah, part of me is still worried about what's to come.

TL;DR Took up boxing lessons and clean eating a couple/few weeks ago and am down from 476lbs (my first weigh-in a week into starting this new lifestyle... but was at least 486lbs before getting a scale) to 460lbs in just eight days. Feeling great, but worried about what'll happen once I reach my goal weight of 200-220lbs (will I be able to eat some of my old favourite foods, will I look gaunt and with loads of loose skin).

submitted by /u/uglydeath
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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