Friday, August 20, 2021

Venting about weight loss

So I’m 21, almost 22 years old, and ever since the pandemic started last year, I’ve gained what feels like an embarrassing amount of weight. Most of my shorts don’t even fit me anymore, shirts that aren’t button downs are tight around my stomach, and as a result of this, I’ve resorted to wearing the same like 4 or 5 outfits whenever I have to go out and it’s honestly killing me.

To circumvent this weight gain, I’ve been exercising (my main method is walking 5 miles a day, but recently I started lifting weights and doing burpees) pretty much every day since the start of June and it feels like the number on the scale as only gone up. I can see that I look slightly skinnier in the mirror but not enough to make any of my other clothes fit me any better. I know that a major part of weight loss is diet but even then it feels like nothing I do works. The only “slip ups” I’ll make is that I’ll go out to eat with my friends maybe once a week but that’s it. Maybe I’m just not being too strict with myself, I’m really at a loss at what to do at this point. I feel like throwing in the towel but I’m not going to, it’s just a big hit to my motivation. It doesn’t help that soon enough the weather is going to get colder so I can’t go out for walks, and there aren’t any gyms in the area, so it feels like I’m going to stagnate and gain even more weight.

I hate having this stomach fat so much. It really disgusts me to see it stick out like a sore thumb, especially when I had lost a lot of weight previously. I get that I’m supposed to “love my body” but I find that incredibly difficult when it makes me this frustrated. Maybe I’m just too cynical.

If anybody can give me like, any advice, I would greatly appreciate it. If a set in stone book of instructions to lose weight existed I would legit follow it immediately, but it doesn’t so I guess that’s why weight loss can be so difficult.

submitted by /u/j1mjam15
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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