Sunday, September 12, 2021

I’ve lost a noticeable amount of weight but don’t know what’s causing it. No active Crohn’s disease. How can I figure out what it is to intentionally lose more and maintain the loss?

I have Crohn’s disease so my weight does fluctuate a lot but never this much and I’m currently NOT in an active flare. In a flare I’ll lose a lot of weight very quickly and unhealthily but always gain it back after. So to NOT be in a flare and lose weight is baffling to me.

Recently I put on a pair of pants that I used to not be able to button at all (bought the wrong size at the time). They now have a lot of room in them and are really saggy around my butt and legs. My stomach is noticeably a lot smaller too but I have no idea how much I’ve lost in pounds.

The thing is I have no idea what’s causing this. There’s a couple things that have changed in the past six months (none of them were really intentional) and none that I think would have such a significant effect. I’ll list them below. I’m just wondering if anyone more experienced and knowledgeable in weight loss has any insight on what you think is causing it so I can really focus on keeping the momentum up. I want to be more mindful and intentional with trying to lose more. If it helps… I’m 29 / F / 5’8 and not sure my current weight. It was 195 before I noticed the weight loss.

The things that I noticed that have changed in the last six months are… I started a birth control and another new medication. I no longer eat cereal every night, I just stopped craving it but I still eat sweets. Lately I’ve been skipping breakfast and then will have a snack or two around 1 pm (only because my job got really busy in the a.m.) If I have time I’ll eat something late morning. Sometimes I’ll eat lunch and other times it’s just snacks till dinner (whatever is in the snack cabinet at work) like jerky, trail mix, popcorn, nut bars. I used to skip dinner a lot and just do cereal or takeout. Now I always eat dinner but sometimes it’s still takeout or not always healthy meals, just normal dinner recipes. I used to occasionally do soda but now I just drink water now since there’s a dispenser at work.

Do any of those stand out as being the biggest cause? Is there anything I should focus more on like intentionally fasting? Can I do anything to accelerate the loss and sustain it? I’ve dieted in the past with no success. I feel like I might have a chance this time because I’m not actually “dieting” this time (if that makes sense). It would truly mean a lot to receive any advice and insight you have to give!

submitted by /u/kforsythe91
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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