Saturday, September 18, 2021

Seeing my highest weight ever prompted me to join a super expensive, boujie gym yesterday

Currently - 187/F/35/5'3

At 170 pounds in 2019 I was overweight but active as I commuted by bike to work 1.25 hours a day (fair weather permitting). Then lockdown hit and I became one with the couch. I joined a cheap gym (Blink), but almost never went. I feel undirected and bored going machine to machine weight lifting on my own. I am an extremely social person and feel much more motivated by being in a group setting where I follow someone's instructions. The offices have opened back up (just in time for my bike to get stolen but I'm getting a new one soon), and I've been going everyday. It's actually been nice taking the subway instead of biking - I don't come to work drenched in sweat, which is unpleasant for both me and my colleagues, and I get to read for a half an hour.

Yesterday I stepped on the scale and saw that I had gained 17 pounds since March 2020 when we went into lockdown. My body weight increased by exactly 10%. I was devastated, and decided to do the most extreme thing I could think of that would give me the best chances of getting in shape: I joined Equinox. I know, I know, I'm going to have to cut back on a cappuccino or 50 to make up for it in my budget. But none of the cheaper gyms in the area have CLASSES. I want spinning classes, cardio classes, light weight classes, dancing or yoga or whatever they've got, just put me in a group with someone telling me what to do.

People say that weight loss is 90% food and 10% exercise, but I've really found the opposite is true for me. In the past when I've had an organized exercise routine (cycling doesn't count - it's just a way to get around), it's been far easier for me to make healthier food choices. I have zero appetite after a workout, and I feel compelled not to "ruin" the hard earned calories I burned that day. I get into the mental state of being "a fitness person" as I engage in a certain ritual, if you will, at a certain time. Being immersed in this environment motivates me to conform to the culture of the people around me.

Not sure if I'll going to go back to cycling to work or if I'll take the subway to save my energy for the gym and so I can keep my reading time. Either way I'm planning on milking this pricey membership for all it's got - another motivating factor. A spinning warm up if I don't bike, some sort of cardio class in the morning, and yoga after work.

Have a made a huge mistake or has anyone else found the gym actually be the deciding factor in getting their weight back on track? I found it easy to brush aside my $30 Blink monthly fee, but there's no way in hell I'm letting $280 a month go to waste.

submitted by /u/myhandleforfitness
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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