Monday, September 20, 2021

Starting my weight loss journey (daily journal)

I'm not sure if this is the best sub to log my journey (if it lasts at all) but I felt making a journal of my days could be a good way to look at my successes and failures to help myself in the future and maybe others as well.

Being straight forward I have been overweight since about highschool. I can pinpoint things to blame and excuses I've made. While some of my weight gain has not been my fault keeping it on definitely is solely my fault.

I've made attempts to change my life style to be healthier and I have always failed in the past. If I was being honest with myself I don't see much different this time around, but it only takes once. I welcome any tips and suggestions anyone wishes to give.

A little more about myself, I am a 5'5, 31 year old, male, and currently starting out about 250lbs. According to basic internet searches my body weight for my age should be closer to 150lbs. I work in IT so I have a very sedentary job often working from home. I do have a history of kidney issues since I was young which is treated with very high doses of corticosteroids (Prednisone) and recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure which I take medicine for daily.

My "default" has been hovering in the 240-250 weight range for about 10 years. The lowest I weighed in the past 10 years was during a long water fast (16 days) and it was 218. I managed to stay under 225 after that for about a year until Covid hit. My biggest weakness I feel is with caffeine and sugar rich drinks as well as when and how I eat. I often skip breakfast and eat a small lunch (if any) and large dinner later in the evening. While I feel I have decent control over myself as I proved during the water fast I over analyze and over complicate everything.

So where do I fail? In the past if sodas and caffeine cravings didn't break my diet it was this and the combination of dieting with my wife. My wife and I have vastly different takes on preferred healthy food. Often I will handle the cooking for the household. I am fine to find a couple items I like and rotate between them for weeks to months. My wife on the other hand needs variety, other than a small handful of dishes she prefers something different nearly every day with about a month or two in-between repeats. This often leads to trying new recipes and if they are a flop to us grabbing something out. Over the years we have cultivated a pretty big menu that we can go to safely but not healthily, so healthy meals are trial and error all over. This is highlighted further by our differences in preferences, she prefers more carb items and fruits while I prefer more fats and proteins.

I hope to post daily progress and information, I am actually writing this on day 3 so expect to see 3 follow up replies.

submitted by /u/ThinkCrimes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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