Monday, September 20, 2021

Best healthy weight loss advice? (23 F)

TL;DR: I have been struggling to lose and maintain weight in a healthy way my entire life. For as long as I can remember, I have used food to cope with depression and PTSD. I need to find healthier ways to cope and focus on improving my health because I am obese and embarrassed of how I look.

The lowest weight I can remember being was 120 lbs. I was really thin at this weight.. I’ve always had more of an athletic build and have been 5’5 since like age 10. The heaviest weight I have ever been (which I am now) is 205 lbs. I can’t stand how I look and I oftentimes feel powerless to losing weight, at least in a healthy way. When I have lost any significant amount of weight in the past it was a result of severely underrating like 500-1000 calories a day. I would really like to lose weight in a healthy way and end up somewhere between 120-150 lbs. I know that is a large range but I feel comfortable at any of those weights 120 being lowest and 150 being the highest. Can anyone give me any realistic advice / suggestions? I feel like I do well with eating healthy and exercising for about a week and then I stop doing it and fall back into my old unhealthy habits. 😟

submitted by /u/SpartanGirl78
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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