Monday, September 13, 2021

Venting About COVID and starting over

Hello all I'm a long time lurker here and I'm just writing here because I don't have anyone else to talk to this about here. This story started long ago in Feburary 2020 a couple months before everything started shutting down for my college. I was at 275 lb and quite sad. I ate a whole pizza that day then decided to weigh myself. After I saw my weight I knew I had to change something. I wrestled in high school with a weight cap at 220, so I was still large (I'm 5'9 5'10 depending on what time of day it is) but not so overweight as I was at 275.

So I started working on eating less and it worked. Less sweets and smaller portions got me all the way down to about 240. Then COVID lockdown happened and I had to leave school for my parents house. My parents are where I think I get some of my bad eating habits, as I was always told to eat my entire plate for dessert, and of course I got dessert more often than not as my parents were (are still in my moms case) quite overweight as well.

I was focusing on eating less carbs as well, and walking. Once I got to my parents house however that changed, as I basically couldn't eat low carb meals anymore and walking was hard to do in my neighborhood. Along with the stress of learning how to do online classes I started to gain weight. Then I started to eat to make me feel better which is a vicious cycle. Over that spring and summer I untaught myself all the good habits I had.

Now I live alone in my college town. I no longer had access to a dishwasher, and sadly I hate washing dishes, so cooking in my apartment became less common as well as still adapting to mostly online classes, I started eating out more. So here I am a year and a half later hitting a new peak at 285, just stepping off the scale.

I guess I get to start this journey all again, I'm just frustrated at myself and my body. Luckily I have more knowledge than most people my age about healthy weight loss from wrestling, but as I'm sure lots of people here can relate to, knowing the knowledge is now the hard part. So hopefully I'll be able to make an update post in another year and a half with some weight loss progress. Thanks for listening to me vent everyone.

submitted by /u/mrhumphrey1s
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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