Monday, March 11, 2019

Almost 3 week plateau. Strict calories, advice appreciated.

Hey everyone, My Stats are 6'1, 91kg, 23m. Looking for advice.

Weighed in at 91kg on 21/Feb. Today at 91.3kg. Been eating strict 1500 calories or less. Weigh everything I put in my mouth pretty much unless it's a one serving thing. It just kills me inside when I think about how hard I tried to stay on track and in soon to be a month I will have nothing to show for it. Am I missing something?

I have read threads about common reasons such as bowel movements which for me have been pretty consistent. Also that I could be miscounting or underestimating calorie values which seems highly unlikely considering how meticulously I weigh everything.. Any advice to how you guys overcome plateaus would be appreciated.

Feel like I am nearing the end of my weight loss journey but damn these last 5-7kg's are just so hard to take off. Finally sorry for such a post I know it doesn't really add any value for you guys but is helping me vent some frustration and hopefully keep me on track.

submitted by /u/mrjojostyle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Heart Rate 190+ while jogging?

Hey everyone, I’ve been a lurker on r/loseit for awhile now and while I imagine this question has been asked before, I was curious as to if anyone could provide an explanation.

I’m a 20 yo Male. I’ve been working out and cleaning up my diet since January 4th and managed to cut down from 310 to 265 as of this past Sunday (with an eventual goal weight of 180). My question stems from the fact that even with my 44lb weight loss, and weightlifting/cardio for the past few months my heart rate is around 190 when jogging on the treadmill (according to my fitbit). Does this seem like a dangerous level? Is there a reason I haven’t seen any real improvement? I understand I should probably get a doctors opinion if I’m worried, but I’m curious if anyone else has been in this situation.

Thanks in advance!

TLDR; OP lost 44lbs, can now jog 10 minutes instead of 2 minutes at a moderate pace but still has a heart rate of 190.

submitted by /u/Skorpius98
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Y’know what? I’m liking this trend going on, let me tell you about my mom too.

So first off I’d like to preface this post by saying my mom is amazing, and I love her more than anything.

Now onto the other stuff. I’ve always been a larger kid for my age (think 80th percentile height but 95th percentile+ for my weight from ages 5-16). Everyone in my family has always teased or made jokes about my weight, but never my mom. She had a genuine concern for me always. About 2 years ago she had a severe health scare, eventually going to the hospital. She’s 5’ 8” and was at ~160lbs. She found out she had a genetic thyroid issue and decided that as soon as she was back on her feet something needed to change.

Over the next year and a half, at 54 years young, she lost 60lbs. She quit soda cold turkey (something I’m currently doing gradually and still struggling) and started CICO with Lose It! For 2 years she has been a saint about not drinking ANY soda ever while it was right there in the house for me to drink. Her health issues have all but disappeared except for the thyroid problem. She has so much more energy and is able to keep up with me again.

So when I decided in January that I wanted to lose my weight, I went to her first. She helped me through everything and is still helping and encouraging me now. She’s the best weight loss partner I could have asked for and even though she may not see this, I felt that all of you should know that you’re never alone in your journey.

Good luck to everyone out there! No matter how hard it may seem, I believe in you, nothing is impossible! One of my high school nicknames is Chubby, and I’m shedding that title with this community and my wonderful mother to help me out.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

submitted by /u/Sluggersully
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Best of the Natural Products Expo Influencer Favorites and Healthy Food BINGO

Hello! The Natural Products Expo (aka #ExpoWest on social media) was this weekend in Anaheim, CA. It’s a huge conference with education sessions, workshops and exhibits of all the best and newest eco-friendly, healthy and natural products and efforts up and coming. There are info sessions, amazing speakers and the most massive set up of products and sample booths I’ve ever seen. It’s amazing and exciting to see all the new and improved food, home and beauty products that we’ll be able to enjoy soon (if they’re not already out).

And follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for a fun Expo West inspired Bingo game!

Natural Product expo 2019 best products influencer list 16 (640x480)

I first went years ago as a guest with a cereal company I was working with. I think I almost dislocated my shoulder with the epic sample bags I brought home that year!  I’m lucky to live in Southern California and have been able to attend many times. And since I’ve attended before I wanted to share my favorites from this year – and mention some new to me items. I saw a lot of health food products I’ve recently seen in stores. So a lot of these foods are either in stores now or coming soon.

Natural Product expo 2019 best products influencer list favorites expowest

This list is a mash-up of my favorites and random thoughts on the show… Enjoy!


Natural Products Expo West Highlights and Notes

Natural Product expo 2019 best products influencer list #expowest (432x576)

1. I love ketchup… lately I’m into spicy ketchup so I really liked this curry ketchup!

Related: I recently mentioned my favorite hair products in this post. Well… the shampoo & conditioner I’ve been using has ginger and a certain man in my life gave me a hug the other day and said I smell like curry. I think he confused it for ginger but I feel self-conscious about it now… I might have to switch up my shampoo & conditioner.

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2. Speaking of Ginger!!! I love all things ginger – and not just because of my hair. It’s great for your stomach and great for running fuel.

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3. Dis mah Bai

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4. I like that these smoothie packs come with a cup you can pour it into after you make it.

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5. Just Dessert! Sometimes I just want dessert.

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6. The expo highlights a lot of vegan, paleo, allergen free food items. So there really is something for everyone.

And every representative I talked to was really well informed on the products and common concerns of people trying  to avoid certain foods or add in more of specific nutrients.

This pasta had meat in the sauce and the guy handing out samples made sure to okay it with everyone as he handed it to them.

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More ginger!

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7. Loved all the ice cream options at the Natural Products Expo! They had organic, paleo, vegan ice cream and more. I even spotted the Talenti mint n chip gelato that I’ve been wanted to try for the longest time. They have a new layered gelato coming out but I really wanted my fave flavor. Actually you could order a scoop of whatever flavor you wanted to free. Amazing, right?

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8. Did you know popcorn is one of my favorite foods?

Now you do.

And I really loved the fresh popcorn at the Watkins booth and all the toppings you could sprinkle on! 

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My other favorite popcorn companies were at the expo too – Boom Chica Pop, Lesser Evil, Skinny Pop, Good Health and more! I really love popcorn.

9. I thought I’ve tried every kind of nut butter and every nut butter product out there so I almost passed right by the Justin’s booth. But someone caught my attention and asked if I tried the cashew butter covered cashews and almond butter covered almonds… super good!

Natural Product expo 2019 best products influencer list justins cashews (432x576)

Natural Product expo 2019 best products influencer list justins almond butter (640x480)

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10. I spotted these Bob’s Red Mill granola / protein bars at Sprouts recently. They just came out in January and I was happy to test em out.

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11. Cold brew coffee – love.

Natural Product expo 2019 best products influencer list stok cold brew coffee (432x576)

12. I used to be the biggest fan of Kashi cereal in college. My mom said Kashi was the secret to her weight loss – it’s probably slightly more involved than that but Kashi was one of the big things we both switched up as we tried to get healthier. A lot of the Kashi cereals have a lot of fiber and protein compared to other cereal options.

So I’m always curious and interested in their new products. The Kashi Kids Honey Cinnamon Combos was really good.

Natural Product expo 2019 best products influencer list kashi (640x480)

13. Granola is my weakness. And this new bear naked granola is amazing! I tried the dark chocolate hazelnut butter – it tastes like and has the consistency of a crumbled cookie.

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14. One of my main focuses at the show was exploring new drinks – kombucha, enhanced water, energy drinks, probiotics in drinks, cbd oil drinks, tea based drinks, sparkling water…. I’m a big drinker.

So I was happy to see so many runner friendly drink options like coconut water based beverages and this Runa drink.

Natural Product expo 2019 best products influencer list runa (432x576)

I did an instagram story of my happiness at seeing a fridge full of La Croix sparkling water. Sooooo good!!

Natural Product expo 2019 best products influencer list la croix (432x576)

15. Special mystery shout-out to this VEGAN tuna melt. It was so good I forgot to snap a picture of the booth where I got it! Busted because it was really good.

Natural Product expo 2019 best products influencer list vegan tuna melt (432x576)

16. Applegate farms basically provided lunch – they were handing out full sized turkey burgers and sausage sandwiches. They have a new hamburger product coming out that’s a turkey & mushroom burger. I love both of those things so I’m excited for that!

Natural Product expo 2019 best products influencer list applegate (432x576)

Natural Product expo 2019 best products influencer list applegate 1 (432x576)

Overall it’s hard to pick one favorite. I wish I had more time to explore the beauty products – that’s something I want to improve on in my own life.

My favorite thing about the show is how seems so inclusive.We’re all so different and our bodies and needs are so different – but hopefully there’s something for everyone!  If you have special dietary or health concerns it’s just very awesome that everyone can enjoy all the home, beauty and food treats!

For the food… I can’t pick just one thing. But I’m going to keep an eye out for a few of the food items with added benefits like drinks or foods with extra vitamins and nutrients.

Since I can’t pick winners – you can check out the NEXTY Award Winners here. That’s the list of the best in each category.

Natural Product expo 2019 best products influencer list favorites (640x480)


Oh and I have to give a big thank you to the Natural Products team for naming Run Eat Repeat one of the Top Influencers to watch at the show! There are amazing bloggers, YouTubers, podcasters and instagrammers from all over the US that attend with huge followings so it’s seriously an honor.

expo west influencers to know run eat repeat

And all these new and exciting products got me thinking about all the options out there! So I created this Healthy Foods BINGO game. ‘

How many of these have you tried? All of them? Just missing one??

Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram and chime in with how many of these healthy foods you have eaten!!

Healthy Foods Natural Products Expo Bingo


The post The Best of the Natural Products Expo Influencer Favorites and Healthy Food BINGO appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Looking for Input on a Difference of Opinions

I'm a little conflicted here and could use some input. Part of it stems from probably an unhealthy way of looking at calories and the such.

TL/DR: 5'11", 23 yo male at 248lb. Going on hiking trip this summer and wanting to get to around 200lb before I go. Was eating 1800cals/day, friend who is trying to help says to eat 2850 cals/day. Not sure if I should continue what I was doing, follow his advice or what.

So for the past week (and other times I've tried dieting), I've eaten around 1800-1900 calories per day. I am currently 248lb, 5'11", 23yo and male. Some friends and I are going on a hiking trip this summer and for me to be able to complete this without injury or severly slowing down the group, I'm thinking I need to be around 210lb and in better shape. To help with this, I asked one of my friends on this trip who is the same age and height as me to help me figure out a plan in terms of eating and the gym. Here comes the issue.

What he gave me as a diet plan has upwards of 2850 calories per day. I feel like this is way too much (going back to the unhealthy relationship thing) but he was at a similar weight to my starting weight (280lb) and lost it and its around 200lb now. I've looked at calculators and stuff online, put in sedentary like I've always been told and nothing comes up to a number close to that. The max I saw was to lose a half pound a week and that was around 2600 cals a day. Part of this plan has me going to the gym 5 days a week, 2 of those days being 20min or so of cardio. I also work in a kitchen and a warehouse where I am constantly walking. I have 4 or 5 shifts in total from both places each week. So I'm not exactly sedentary.

I tried asking him about it but for as long as I've known him, he's always very set in his opinion and what he says. This led him to say I should just go to a nutritionist if I don't trust him. I told him when he set this plan out that I will try it and see what happens but the concern is there. I know in the long run that trying for a week or two isn't going to drastically affect my over all weight loss, and I'm not opposed to eating more food but I really don't know what to do here. I can always go back to how I was eating, but as he points out, I never stick to my diets so maybe I do need to actually increase my calories per day.

submitted by /u/rolosmith123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Bad habits. One at a time or all at once?

I have been working on weight loss and regaining my health, both mentally and physically. I have worked really hard at the nutrition piece and the exercise piece by slowly integrating good habits into my life and I have been doing well with this. Weight loss isn't huge but I'm okay with that because I know that I am doing this by introducing the lifestyle change and not a diet. Drinking has been a huge hiccup in my progress and I have cut that down significantly. I want to cut it back down more. Like perhaps not drinking at all. I have some concerns with this as my husband is a big drinker and my friends are drinkers and I feel like it would change the relationship between us. I'm also a very heavy smoker. I have been wanting to quit for a long time but I don't for the same reasons. All my friends and my husband are smokers and it's a social thing. I am also terrified that I'm going to gain weight if I quit. I am getting to the point though that these bad habits need to go. I feel better because I'm eating better and exercising but I want to live the whole healthy lifestyle. How can I tell people I believe in healthy living with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other?

Basically, my question is - is it easier to jump into a healthy lifestyle with both feet or tackle one thing at a time? I don't want to set myself up to fail by giving up too much at once but these two bad habits also go hand in hand with each other.

submitted by /u/abby1kimono
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Please be careful with calorie restriction!

Hi everyone. This is my first post here, and I just wanted to say please prioritize your health over fast weight loss. Having fast results isn’t worth it when you jeopardize your health by consuming inadequate amounts of nutrients and calories that your body NEEDS.

I learned it the hard way today. For context, I’m 5’2 and weigh 110 lbs. Prom is coming up next month and I believe I got a little desperate. Yesterday, I restricted my calorie intake to about 750, with a net of 600 after some exercise. Early this morning before I left the house, I had a couple of stomach cramps and slight nausea, but I just shrugged it off since it’s normal for me every now and then. However, while waiting at my bus stop, I suddenly became dizzy and extremely nauseous, and my vision blurred (lasted close to 20 mins). I was close to fainting. I ended up at the doctor’s office for low blood pressure and am seeing a cardiologist soon.

It’s not worth it. Take it slowly and be kind to yourself.

tl/dr: Please lose weight gradually and don’t go too low with calories because you’re putting your health at risk.

submitted by /u/vqx4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat