Friday, October 16, 2020

Got on the scale for the first time since cico, even though I lost weight the number still scared me

So I have been in crazy denial and not wanted to weigh myself because I was scared of the number. I just estimated 99.5kg because suuurely I had not broken 100kg. I even felt like it was a gross over estimate and I was probably closer to 95kg when I started and thought I would see 92kg when I weighed in.

I have done CICO for about 6 weeks and noticed a big difference in how my clothes fit, I thought I was doing amazing and crushing it, until today when I stepped on the scale. It showed 97kg.

I know I have lost a lot of weight, so the fact that I was above 100kg to begin with scares me and I cannot even appreciate my weight loss. I don’t know how much I lost, but this is my starting point now so anything from here is better.

I’m honestly crushed I let myself do this.

submitted by /u/Pauby13
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[SV] I hit my first goal today!

I started my weight loss journey in December when I was going through my friends wedding photos and saw a pic of the bridesmaids (I was one of them)- I looked, to be completely honest, like a monster. I was chubby all throughout high school, but managed to stay under 150 lbs. it’s been years and years since then, and when I saw these photos, I realized the fact that old clothes didn’t fit, needing to constantly buy new bras, etc etc really DID mean I wasn’t in the same weight scale. I avoided scales religiously, and have my whole life, and when I weighed myself and saw that I was at 193.7.... I knew that this was unhealthy. I’m 5’1”, and a type one diabetic. I can’t risk losing my control on my weight like that, especially as I approach my late 20s. I started Noom (then lost my job and continued with several different free apps that provided the same services) and began working my way back towards my ultimate goal of 115 lbs! Today I’ve weighed in at 140lbs, and the clothes that I’ve purchased over the last few years actually fit me! My regimen is two square meals a day (three makes me feel ill, and always has) now consisting primarily of vegetables and chicken! I work out four times a week on my elliptical, for 30 minutes a day. I try to walk at least a mile daily as well! I let myself have a drink every night to relax, and sleep a solid eight hours. I’m really feeling good about my routine and life, and I think I’m the least depressed I’ve been in the past 7 years, which I’m proud of, given how insane things are in the US right now. I’m so incredibly relieved, and happy, because I finally feel like I can go out in public and look conventionally attractive. Hell, my friend suggested I start an onlyfans! I’m sure the confidence boost will wear down with time, but for now I’m seriously riding this high, and will continue working towards my goal!

submitted by /u/persephonesvhenan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

advice for weight loss and calories whilst recovering from surgery

my tdee is about 1300, my bmr is about 1100 so i've been eating about 1000 calories a day for very slow weightloss.

i'm having major surgery in just over a week, chest reconstructive surgery after which i can only do light activity after 8-12 weeks, and whilst my doctor did not mention it when i did some googling i found articles saying your body burns more calories whilst recovering. i am almost to my goal weight (well about 20lbs out but close enough) and don't want to have to put that on hold for even a couple months, but at the same time i do want to heal as best i can, especially because this surgery comes with big scars and wounds already.

i've seen some articles that say your body burns 5000 calories a day whilst healing itself which seems preposterous to me, and i've also seen some say that you only burn a few extra hundred for the first week or so. i'm not sure whether to just try eating at maintenance, or whether it's fine to carry on at my small deficit.

i am planning on bringing it up with my doctor when i actually have the surgery, but i'm just looking for general advice and perhaps any input from people who have also been losing weight whilst having/recovering from surgery.

submitted by /u/goddessprotector
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A bit of an update post. I'm almost down 20lbs

Well a couple weeks ago I posted about how I started to lose weight on keto. It's hard as hell. I failed a few times cause I was told "keto isn't about starving yourself it's about not eating a ton of bad stuff.

Well long story short there was a 3 day gap where I overate when I forgot to take my ADHD meds lmao. I gained like 4lbs. However, after getting back on track I'm down that weight plus some more! I'm 2lbs away from being half way to my Innitial goal of 200lbs by new years eve. (my birthday) for those just who didn't see the first post I made, I started at 241lbs and as of this afternoon I am 222lbs.

I decided for shits and giggles to try my airsoft stuff I knew was tight on me 8 months ago, and I can fit my combat pants that are a size 38 perfectly. (I'll post pics at some point. So I can actually use the high riding pockets now!

I've lost enough where I actually NEED a belt now causey shorts will fall down if I don't since my belt. I might need to go clothes shopping soon cause I prefer tighter fitting shirts and pants and most of my clothes are a bit loose on me now.

I also recently started working out again since highschool, which I did for football, and it's a big help, especially when you have a buddy who works out with you and you're not alone, so no need to feel embarrassed.

So just a word of advice. KETO sucks for about the first week, you're constantly tired and hungry. But believe me, after your first week is up it becomes 10x easier because all the sugar and crap is out of your system, not to mention losing 11lbs in one week (my case) was a morale booster, even though it wasn't all fat and alot was water weight. Eventually your weight loss will slow down with it and you need to adjust by working out harder and more or cutting out more foods. Which I don't recommend in general cause keto is borderline starvation with how restcitve it is.

What's really helped me alot if I have a really bad sweet tooth is some keto ice cream I found at my local grocery store.

Other than that, I'm still working my ass off to lose this weight. I wanna be back at 175lbs when I was playing football.

Good luck to you all and happy losing.

submitted by /u/themustachieo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anybody used a desk cycle and actually lost weight?

I've seen a lot of reviews of people saying they love their desk cycle/desk pedaller for reasons like helping them concentrate/etc, but nobody's actually mentioned anything about losing weight.

Winter is coming up and as I can't get into a gym (covid) and hate running outside in the cold, I want another form of exercise. I always preferred working out at a gym because I get into the exercise mood there, but if I'm stuck at home, I know I'm going to get cold and huddle up at my desk with a blanket and watch netflix, so I at least want to do something active during that time. Does a desk bike actually help?

(and yes my diet is also healthy and I'm keeping calories in check, but I want more exercise to supplement weight loss)

submitted by /u/fashionlover25
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What got us started

For me was it was seeing 268 on the scale, I almost had a panic attack. I was close to 300 lbs me how the heck did I let my self do this. At one point I was an avid runner a few injuries and depression and 5 years I had gained 80 lbs. I’m curious what started you goal to lose it?

what we’ve done is bought a keto cook book and have added a few recipes to our shopping list. I’ve been doing resistance band exercises, standard body weight exercises, and lots of walking. These small changes have helped my wife and I lose 20 lbs each.

Edit: not enough content to post: I’m hoping that some of you will share their stories and eventually someone will come across this thread and start their own path to sustained weight loss.

6ft 33 y/o M sw 268 cw 249 gw 199.

submitted by /u/changing-life-vet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling with my weight loss journey

It's always easy the first day. You watch what you eat, you do your workout, you feel good...

Then you promptly fall back into old habits, you step on the scale and immediately hate yourself for messing up again. That's for me, at least.

I'm currently at 250lbs (my heaviest hopefully) and I really, REALLY need to start losing weight. I have some mental health issues (mostly anxiety, depression, and ADHD to wrestle with), so using the stereotypical weight loss strategy can be hit or miss with me. I know what I'm looking for in terms of goals (starting with small drops, ten pounds here, keep it steady, drop another ten, keep it steady) because I also want to make it permanent. I'm worried I'll just gain everything back.

Some other things I gotta wrestle with; I'm an emotional eating. I eat when stressed. I also eat when I'm bored. If you know anything about ADHD, boredom is very common. I've been trying to find ways to stop myself from reaching for food constantly, but given how I work from home, it's not an easy task.

I guess I'm just asking for some guidance, strategies, things to try and see if they can help me.

submitted by /u/QuillPenMonster
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from loseit - Lose the Fat