Sunday, July 5, 2020

Three weeks in and I've officially lost 1 stone!

I started my weight loss journey (again) exactly 3 weeks ago and I have officially lost the first stone!

In the past I have started to lose weight and get healthy but then find excuses to stop or just completely lose motivation and eventually put on everything I lost + more.

Not this time! After 3 weeks I'm more motivated than ever, I have no cravings for fast food, sweets or fizzy drinks, being healthy has become more like a lifestyle than a chore already. This is something I didn't experience on the previous attempts so I'm confident the time is right to make huge changes.

I saw work colleagues on Friday for the first time in months, a number of the commented that I looked different and a couple said it was already visible that I had lost weight which was lovely to hear!

The inspiration that I have had from Reddit has been phenomenal as well, seeing so many people hitting their target weights and looking AMAZING after their journey has made me want it even more!

submitted by /u/GAMC93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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