Friday, August 21, 2020

lose weight and gain muscle?

apologize for any noobness but i'm in a conundrum.

I have lost around 30lbs since late May, but I have plateaued/slowed a lot in loss in the last 2 weeks. I am sitting at around 146lbs (20F 5'7"). My goal is to be fit and weigh around 135lb.

I have been doing sloppy CICO, I log everything but don't weigh my foods. Since I have plateaued, I will buy a food scale and become more strict on this regard. I am pretty knowledgeable about weight loss, but I am struggling to understand building muscle while losing.

To reach my goal, should I 1) concentrate on deficit until I reach 135, then build muscle or 2) concentrate on building muscle now, and weight loss will come slowly with the increased lean mass?

In my understanding, I should do intense work outs and eat a deficit to achieve my goal. However, I am currently in about a 500 cal deficit (eating around 1500cal and buring about 2000/day) and I feel fatigued so often. I do some form of exercise every day, 1-2 hour hike/walk, jog (5.5mph for 10-15min), body weight work out, etc. (nothing intense) but it's become a drag because I feel tired before, during, and after. How am I supposed to work out intensely (what I need to build muscle) if I am so tired? I eat a fully nutritious diet, so its hard for me to improve in that regard (no junk, no white carbs).

Yet, I'm not even eating that big of a deficit. 1500 is reasonable. If I increase to 1700+, I am afraid I will stop weight loss all together. But maybe this is worth it for good muscle gain, and I can cut again later (but then won't I lose my gains?)

Any advice is very welcome. Sorry for messy writing

submitted by /u/al-zaytun
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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