Saturday, October 31, 2020

Using a belt as weight loss motivation

During my teen years, I use to be too big for belts and, I mean very big. Like not even a men’s sized 48 would fit a 15 year old girl kind of big, No stores in my area ever sold plus sized belts and, thus I had to deal with my pants falling down. I hated the feeling of my pants falling off as I went to sit down. If I didn’t wear large T-shirt’s, my underwear would have been seen by everyone. It wasn’t until the first few months into 2020 that, I managed to actually fit into the first puncture of the belt. I was amazed that I was able to fit in one for the first time since I was a kid. Before my weight loss, I’d go to the belts in the store and try on the biggest size that they had. I couldn’t even get passed the metal without holding in my stomach. Fast forward and, I’m adding on new punctures. So far, I’ve added 3 to the previous 5 that was already in the belt. Whenever I compare the size difference, it baffles me. Going from the 8th puncture to all of the way back to the metal part where it didn’t fit me, was a shocker.

Although I’m buying new pants as I lose weight, I’m sticking with this same belt until no more punctures can be added. Just due to the fact that it’s such a great weight loss motivator. I can see how much progress that I’ve made just from sliding a piece of leather.

submitted by /u/ImaginaryMusicLover
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It's like getting a new body

I've been overweight to obese the majority of my life. Been trying the last ten years on and off to lose the weight and get healthy.

Finally, for the first time, I'm seeing real successes that are sticking. Same methodology I've used before; CICO (1200-1300 daily intake) and IF (16:8). Except with the pandemic and isolation I've had the time and space to work on my mental health which has been MAJOR. I'm just 5lb shy of my goal, I've never been this close before!!

Anyways, to my story. Been seeing a new rehab RMT for some life-long physiological problems, no biggie. But I frequently go home to find lovely bruises arching across my bad and hips. Going every week so lately I'm just generally sore like I've been beat up every day.

Last night a spot on my back, on the ribs under my scapula, was hurting like it was bruised. I was in bed lying on my side, and I reached to my back to rub the sore spot when... I could feel my ribs. Except I could really feel my ribs, way more then ever before. And one in particular felt bigger than the others? I was starting to wonder if my new RMT, who's a very big and strong man, maybe moved a rib or something? But that doesn't sound right, do ribs move? It didn't hurt when I breathed in so nothing was broken. All these thoughts went through my head as I got out of bed and went to the tall mirror to check it out.

Turns out I'm fine, I'm just a dummy forgetting that I'm not used to having lost this much weight before. I've never felt my bones, not really. They all have distinct shapes, curves, arches, edges, that you can't feel when there's however many inches of fat in the way. I'm not even remotely skinny or underweight (135lbs, 5'5"), so I'm not worried about that.

It really is transformative!? Like a new body, I'm discovering all sorts of neat things I never imagined I'd experience with weight loss. So I guess ribs feel different in an unexpected way when you're a healthy weight, who knew?

submitted by /u/Error_kimchi_berries
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[Directory] Find your quests here! -

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

Need some questing buddies?

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Mom keeps being concerned over my weight loss and doesn’t want me to lose more

I’m a 19 y/o female and I’m staying home for university for this semester. I used to be 5’3” and 120 pounds but I didn’t really like that I looked flabby and I wanted to slim down my thighs. A month and a half ago I started exercising and restricting to 1200 calories a day and now I’m 5’3” and 114 pounds. I want to get down to 108-110 pounds. Point being, I’m still a healthy weight but my mom thinks I’m getting too thin. She keeps telling me how she’s concerned about me and just now she told me not to lose any more weight. She keeps trying to make me eat more desserts and food. I don’t understand why she thinks I’m too thin because I look healthy in the mirror and I’m not losing weight too fast. Any advice?

submitted by /u/cauliflower729
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Goal! 40 Lbs in 12 Weeks - Tips, tricks & thoughts

Thought I would share the news - and pass thoughts. So many previous posts were very helpful to achieve my goal. 40lbs in 12 weeks - dropped from 265 to 225.

  • CICO works - the math was fairly consistent - each week I would lose between 2-4 lbs. My TDEE was around 3,000 and my calorie target was 1,500 - so I should have (and did) average ~3 lbs loss per week.
  • To kick off my program, I did a 3-day juice cleanse (with a 2-day prep before cleanse). I hit about 800 calories a day for the 3 days, lost 8 lbs that week - and I felt it helped me move to 1,500 days easily (which seemed like a lot of food). It showed a quick win and helped me set a frame of mind.
  • I used for meal ideas. Some things that worked for me were peanut butter powder (protein add at lower calorie), used freekah as my primary grain, no bread, no rice or no pasta, I did oatmeal for breakfast but also worked in some protein waffles, cauli-rice, lean ground meats, and a ton of veg. Many of the meals I will continue as I move to maintenance.
  • I did 300 cal for breakfast, 300 for lunch, and 700 for dinner. I had 2 x 100 cal snacks in between meals. I tried to only eat between 9 AM and 6 PM. In the early few weeks, I chewed gum quite a bit, but then dropped it as I established rhythm. If I had to gnaw on something, I did 35 calorie rice cakes. The structure really helped me stick with the overall program - did not want to think, just execute.
  • I never did any cheat meals or cheat days. I had originally planned to up my calories on weekends - and take breaks. But I felt great through the 12 weeks - more energy, better sleep, etc.. I never wanted to disrupt momentum.
  • I was fairly active - spin 3 x per week, long hike 1X per week, light aerobics 2x per week. I also did strength training 3x per week (on my spin days). I did not want to lose a ton of muscle, so I watched my protein as much as possible - just wanted to be above 100g a day.
  • My secret was a significant other who was in full support - she led a lot of meal prep, which was a big advantage. We worked out a lot together as well - we had access to a building gym with basic weights, spin bike, and treadmill.
  • As the weeks went by, my poop did not flow easily. Some of the choppiness in my week to week loss measurement was based on movement timing. After week 5, I started taking Miralax once a week. Since I was low on calorie, needed some help. I had Sunday morning as my weekly weigh-in date/time.
  • I had a DEXA scan a few weeks ago and now have a baseline for body fat of 26% - my plan is to up my calorie to 1800 then 2000 and slowly drop to 215.
  • Prior to this success, I incorrectly believed that working out hard was the key to weight loss. Although I did exercise hard and frequent, I was still overeating (especially late at night - second dinners). My big lesson: if you want to lose weight, focus on nutrition and calorie deficit.

As always, if I could do it - anybody can do it. I was just really tired of being heavy - and took that first step. When i saw progress, the momentum just kept building.

submitted by /u/Yakyakyuk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

sad but actually not sad progress !

Soooo it’s been about 3.5 months since i started my weight loss journey. I didn’t lose crazy much but enough to notice some things. Within the first month i bought a few mom/boyfriend jeans because i always felt like i was too fat to rock them but i wanted to feel confident in them even with little/no progress. I wanted to gain confidence not only through weight loss but also with my mindset. Anyways, I bought a few jeans and LOVED them so much! I had each of them on for 2-4 times and even though they weren’t crazy tight around my waist/stomach, they originally fitted perfectly. but now i see how 2 of them already don’t fit without a belt and one of those doesn’t look good even with the belt because it just fits so loosely. On the one hand, I am extremely happy to not only see progress on the scale but also progress in the way clothes fit but on the other hand, i loved these jeans so much and they were (for me atleast) still very new. Of course the happy side wins here and i wouldn’t want to fit back into the jeans whatsoever but i just wanted to share this “sad” milestone which is actually rather funny than sad. Have a nice day everyone and maybe remember to not buy a lot of clothes in the beginning of your weight loss or you will end up like me and only be able to enjoy them for a little time.

submitted by /u/nesi-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Started to see progress, now feel like I'm back to square one after trauma

First post to this community, and on mobile, no less. Be gentle, please.

I first started down the slippery slope of gaining weight after I lost my beloved grandpa on 2018. I had gained a little previously, but actually managed to lose 30 pounds to go from 210 to 180 in preparation for my wedding.

My depression had been waning until that point, but losing PawPaw kicked it into overdrive. I turned to weed to cope. Long story short, I very quickly went from 180 to 250 at my highest.

I was just so fucking sad, I wanted anything to make the hurt go away, even for a minute. Weed sort of helped, bit with the catch that I would become a snack dumpster, just eating trash until I was sick a few times.

I got into therapy, went back to school. Things started looking better. Weight loss was on the back burner for a while as I laser focused on school. I basically steadied for a while.

Recently, I started doing exercise in earnest, along with tracking my food and exercise with the Lose It app. Since I finished school, I've been able to put more focus onto trying to lose weight. And honestly, it wasn't really fast or a whole lot, but I managed to go from 231 in September to 218 as of last week. I was elated.

I thought I was doing alright. But then this past Tuesday, my dog suddenly got very ill and passed away in my arms. It was so fucking fast- she had been acting totally fine on Monday. She was acting a little off that night, but it escalated so goddamn fast. The situation went from "she probably has a stomach bug," to "her kidneys and liver are shutting down, and this blood test indicates she likely has cancer" within 10 hours.

I am broken. I have still been tracking my calories, but eating infrequently, but eating pizza or lazy food when I do. Honestly, it's been hard time get out of bed and shower, let alone exercise. I've skipped my regimen 3 times this week, and I'm so mad at myself. It's not even long, it's just a 12-17 minute workout routine from the Lose Weight 30 Days For Women app...not a whole Zumba video or some shit. But I just can't focus.

My heart is broken, and I worry that it's going to send me down the same path I went when I lost my grandpa and completely fuck over all the progress I made.

Not sure what I'm asking, if anything. I guess I'm just looking for support? Idk.

submitted by /u/CrimsonGalaxy
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - November Sign Ups

Holy crapoly it's almost November kids!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!

And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them anyway to you returning conquerors. I do occasionally to remind myself of the basics.

Here’s what we do in the DAC my friends!

This is the sign up post to outline your goals, weight loss, self care, creative, whatever keeps your motor going.

There will be a daily update post for you to chime in about how day whatever is going!

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress my friends!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported by the internet version of a push up bra!

Leading by example, here I go!

Weight by end of month (200 lbs, preferably trend weight): Oofta.

Stay within calorie range (maintain): Maintenance.

Exercise 5 days a week: X/X days.

Self-care journaling (once a week, 60 minutes):

Nanowrimo 1666 words a day: X/50000 words.

Try a new recipe once a week: X/X weeks.

Express gratitude:

Some simpler goals this month. Your turn now kids!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help me please...

I feel stuck at this point. I just turned 14, I'm male, and I weigh 220 pounds. I just feel trapped in my own body. I have wanted to lose weight for a long time now, and I feel like if I don't take action now, It's never gonna happen. I don't mind cooking my own food, in fact I find that I am actually a really good cook, probably a career path for me, but anyways I'm getting off topic. I've looked at a ton of different "weight loss" programs, but it seems like the people that make those are just looking for money. And I wouldn't mind spending a little money, I mean it's just such a big goal, but I don't want to waste money on something that doesn't actually do anything. I was mainly looking at programs because I find that I have a hard time sticking to things unless they're already planned out for me. However that isn't to say I'm not open to the idea. I'm practically open to anything at this point. I just want to look and feel better. I don't know. If you have literally any suggestions, I would gladly take them.

Thank you for reading :)

submitted by /u/ur_mom12345234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Food is about community

I realized something this week that I guess I’ve always felt but didn’t know how to put into words. Food is about community.

I’ve always loved to cook and bake. I love eating with my family and friends.

How does this realization help me with weight loss? It’s helped shift my focus away from eating calorific foods for comfort, or out of boredom or stress. Instead, I find other coping mechanisms. Need comfort? A nice bubble bath with a sparkling water or unsweet iced tea. Bored? Read a book. Stressed? Go for a walk.

The time to indulge in a calorific meal is not Monday morning just because frozen waffles sounds better than my usual oatmeal. The time to drink a glass of wine or two is not alone on a Tuesday night after a ‘stressful day’ at work. Wednesday at 2pm is not the time to eat my feelings in ice cream.

Instead, Sunday brunch with friends is the time for waffles. Friday evening with my husband watching a movie is wine time. Dessert is best enjoyed when it’s a spontaneous thing your friend baked after a game night :)

I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with eating ice cream on a weeknight, etc. but this epiphany has helped me keep my weekdays in check so that I can truly and without guilt enjoy and celebrate the time I spend with family and friends, fully partaking in the entire experience, including the highly calorific foods.

submitted by /u/kuzzy235
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Down 70 pounds and looking for advice.

27 Year Old Male.

Hey just wanted to say thanks to this sub for helping me get this weight off. I started at 305 pounds and 115 days later I am currently sitting at 235 pounds. I have been calorie counting only and working out sometimes.

Weight loss is slowing down a bit as expected but does any have any suggestions for some home work outs or anything that can help keep things moving?

I have been doing some cardio but I am not sure if there are specific works outs IE: weight lifting, resistance bands, ect that might yield better results. Currently I am still losing weight but with the slow down I want to try and avoid any plateaus or get less of them at the least.

Posted some pictures of my progress so far.


submitted by /u/rl4u13
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Accountability buddies - group chat?

Hey yall

I’m a 41/M/Norway with two small kids. I currently clock in at 186cm/148kg (6,1 / 326lbs). I have a lot of experience with yo-yo weight loss, although this time (After i got kids) it’s not going back down. That’s a problem especially because i now also have someone else to live for...

For whatever million excuses, I’m not sticking to my weight loss plans. I imagine there’s a bunch of you out there similar to me, maybe different life situation, gender, age, but struggling to get all that extra weight off ...

What if we got together a little gang, in a chat channel like WhatsApp and we keep each other accountable, and we make it together. I figure a group is better because then if someone drops out for s day or two, the rest will pick up the slack!

We can share meal plans, work out plans support each other, the works! I figure this will take at least a year, so there would be plenty of time to get to know eachother and make it happen!

Besides, struggling and achieving a goal with others is always much more fun than going it alone! Well be like Vietnam war buddies after this... except without all that PTSD/flash back stuff i hope ( i like the idea of having a “omg i was fat again nightmare!)

So anyway, is anyone with me? Let me know!

I’m thinking the group name can be “the weight-lossening” but I’m sure y’all have some ideas too!

submitted by /u/Roblieu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to know when to stop?

M/18/ 5’8 SW:230 CW: 162.8 GW: ?

So I don’t know if anyone had dealt with this, but I feel like this is a good place to ask. I’ve been on a weight loss journey for years now, but only this year have I taken it seriously. It’s been a year and 8 months since taking my journey seriously and honestly it’s been a blessing in terms of confidence. My ultimate goal is abs; I know you don’t need them to be healthy, but I just have always been obsessed with wanting them, and that has been my driving force since the start of journey. Now I’m at a loss. I’m technically a healthy weight, and everyone tells me I’m skinny( I have mild body dysmorphia so I don’t see what they see). I still have stomach fat, so I know I’m still around the 20% to 25% body fat range, and I know I need to get to 10% to 12% to be able to see my abs. Here is the other thing I don’t have a ton of muscle, actually I have really little muscle. I don’t know if I should continue to diet down until I get skinny then lean bulk back up, or if I should go into a maintenance with a slight caloric deficit and focus on building muscle. I really want abs so I was thinking just get skinny then bulk up slowly, but I don’t really know any advice would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/dominicanblondeie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Covid Weight again

I’ve always struggled with my body. I’ve never really respected it like I should and I go through periods where I’m skinny for a year and then gain weight again, also for a year. Food is definitely an emotional support for me. Through this Covid thing, I’ve gained weight. Close to 20lbs i want to say. My clothes fit but they’re all so tight. My partner recently told me (after I asked) that he was less sexually attracted to me since my weight gain. It made me feel awful and ashamed and like i wanted my clothes to swallow me whole. But i started making small changes. I eat less carbs and more protein and veggies at dinner. I’ve slowed down when eating dessert. I’ve switched from toast and butter for breakfast to coffee and some fruits because it turns out, I’m not super hungry when it comes to breakfast, i just think i am. I just started this week so no big weight loss change or anything. Tomorrow, i plan on going on a long walk. I just had to get this out there. I need to take things slowly because i have a history of trying to do big changes and crashing. The motivation in this sub makes me hopeful. And I’ve read some good habits and tips here that I’m looking forward to trying.

submitted by /u/chunkocheddar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


One of the main reasons I needed to lose weight was my fertility, I had my son 6 years ago and I put on quite a bit of weight whilst pregnant but then even more after he was born. I had testing done with a fertility clinic and they told me I didn’t ovulate, which I already knew due to tracking etc and they couldn’t work out why and said it was my weight, I couldn’t have fertility treatment until I lost weight.

I’ve been on and off diets for the past few years trying to work on it and battling with my mental health. It’s a real kick when your told your weight is the reason your body doesn’t do what it’s supposed to and with other life problems in the mix it was too much.

Earlier this year I finally accepted and took the plunge to get help with my mental health, I still have a lot of down days but things are better. In June I decided to start losing weight and so far I’m down 37lbs. My binge eating has been in control and I feel much better for it.

Now I can’t really tell by looking at myself but the past 3 months I have ovulated on my own and had regular cycles and suddenly having another baby is possible right now.

I want to keep going with my weight loss as I still have a long way to go but I’m hoping that I will continue to go in the right direction and it only motivates me further.

submitted by /u/Avaxo20
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

11 Diet Tricks and Treats for a Healthy Halloween

In some ways, Halloween is the toughest holiday to navigate when you’re dieting. While most seasonal festivities involve food, this one involves candy, one of the most irresistible sugar delivery systems ever invented. It’s sweet, delicious and almost addicting. With so much candy around, you need diet tricks and treats to stay on plan.

You can avoid candy the rest of the year (if you exert willpower in the supermarket checkout line) but on Halloween, you bring tons of it into your house to give away. Then your kids bring more.  You may try to limit yourself to “just one,” but that gives way to “just one of each” and before you know it, those bite-sized morsels turn into unwanted pounds.

If you don’t have trick-or-treaters at home, you could skip the holiday altogether. Keep the porch light off and hide in the dark. Better yet, leave it off and go out to dinner until the ghosts and goblins are back home in bed. If there’s no way out, you can use these creative diet tricks to help you get through the week safely. You’ll see that we’ve paired each trick with a Nutrisystem treat.  The first trick will tell you why!

Your Ultimate Halloween Survival Guide

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Here are 11 diet tricks and treats to keep you on track this Halloween:

1. Don’t deprive yourself.

diet tricks

Trick: One of the worst things you can do is avoid your favorite treats. When dieting is all about “no,” you’re more likely to fail, says a 2016 study by researchers at Baylor University. Their research found that successful dieters are the ones who focus on the healthy foods they can eat, not the ones they think they need to avoid. Check out recipe section on The Leaf for smart candy swaps. You’ll love these Chocolate Pumpkin Truffle Balls! >

Treat: No need to purchase store-bought candy. Nutrisystem’s Chocolate Caramel Bar is the perfect replacement. It’s a crispy combination of milk chocolate and sweet caramel that you can enjoy for just 150 calories.

 2. Buy candy the day of Halloween.

halloween candy

Trick: Tell the truth— Have you bought Halloween candy weeks in advance and then had to buy it all over again because you and the entire family wiped it out? Try to keep candy in the house for the shortest amount of time possible. In fact, if you can, buy it on Halloween. It’s likely to be on sale then, too.

Treat:  Now that you’ve saved calories and money, indulge in Nutrisystem’s delicious, crunchy Chewy Chocolate Fudge Bar. It’s filled with cocoa crisps and covered in a dark chocolate flavored coating. Best of all, it’s only 150 calories and contains a whopping 10 grams of protein. No candy can say that!

3. Pick candy you don’t like.

diet tricks

Trick: When you’re candy shopping, be sure to stay away from your favorites. Choose candies that the kids love but you don’t. If you love chocolate, choose fruity and sour gummy candies. Are you a sucker for hard candy? Buy sticky taffy or toffee.  Purchase the sweets that you don’t like (but they do) and you’ve kept yourself away from temptation.

Treat: If you’re a chocolate lover, you can feel free to indulge in Nutrisystem’s NutriChocolaty Wafers! They’re a fun treat that can replace any unhealthy chocolate bar. You can even melt them to create chocolate covered fruit and nuts.

Printable Recipe Book: 12 Healthy Halloween Recipes

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4. Don’t let yourself get hungry.

diet tricks

Trick: Candy may always be tempting. However, you may be less likely to give in if you’ve eaten plenty of healthy, fiber-rich meals all day before you’re faced with bowls and bags of sweet treats. Don’t save any calories for Halloween candy. Make sure you feel too full to eat another thing.

Treat: If you do have a little room left, Nutrisystem’s Walnut Chocolate Chip Cookies are bite-sized treats that go great with a glass of skim milk. At only 150 calories, they’re packed with seven grams of protein and three grams of fiber to satisfy your sweet tooth.

5. Be the parent (or grandparent) who goes trick or treating.

trick or treating

Trick: Turn your kids’ trick-or-treating into a little exercise for yourself. Walk the neighborhood with them and while they’re at the door getting treated, do a little jogging in place.

Treat: For a great post-workout recovery treat, grab a Nutrisystem Lemon Cooler Cookie. These zesty, sugar-dusted cookies are only 140 calories and can squash any lemony candy craving you may have.

6. Stash the stash.

halloween candy

Trick: Have someone else in the household hide the Halloween candy so temptation is out of sight and out of mind. Just don’t ask the kids to hide it because you may never see it again. And don’t go looking for it!

Treat: You won’t care where the candy is when you know exactly where you’re keeping your Nutrisystem Chocolate Flavored Pretzels. They have the sweet and salty taste you love with only 140 calories. The five grams of protein and three grams of fiber make them ultra-satisfying.

5 Healthy Halloween Swaps for Every Kind of Candy Craving

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7. Chew gum.

chew gum

Trick: Chewing gum is a great way to fight temptation. A study, published in the journal Appetite, found that chewing gum is a simple way to modestly control appetite. In their research, people that chewed gum ate 68 fewer calories at lunch. Sugar free gum is a Free Food on Nutrisystem, so feel free to chew away those cravings!

Treat: Toss your gum away for a few minutes to enjoy Nutrisystem’s Snickerdoodle Cookie. It’s a soft-baked, whole grain cookie dusted with cinnamon, the spice of the season. With only 130 calories, it’s sure to spice up your Halloween.

8. Freeze your kids’ candy.

diet tricks

Trick: Keep both you and your youngsters from eating all the candy in one sitting by freezing their Halloween hauls. Parse out a few pieces they can eat each day. Not only are you eliminating temptation for you, you’re give your kids a great message about not overeating sweets.

Treat: Something you can eat frozen is our Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich. With vanilla flavored ice cream between two chocolate cookies, it clocks in at only 130 calories. You can even throw it in the blender to make this Ice Cream Sandwich Shake! >

 9. Don’t hand out candy.

diet tricks

Trick: You can buy pencils and stickers or a bulk pack of Halloween toys from your local party or dollar store. You can also try online shopping for fun Halloween trinkets. Zero fat, zero sugar and zero calories!

Treat: While you’re rocking your new Halloween spider ring, dig into a Nutrisystem Chocolate Brownie Sundae. You’ll be scooping up decadent fudge ribbons and brownie chunks throughout creamy, chocolate ice cream. Bye, bye chocolate cravings!

Candy Craving? 7 Delicious Bars for a Healthier Halloween

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10. Craving candy? Brush your teeth.

diet tricks

Trick: Diet tricks can seem difficult. However, some are as easy as brushing your teeth (literally)! Have you ever tried to eat or drink something sweet after brushing? If you have a candy craving, the magazine Popular Science recommends brushing those fangs. They explain that one of the chemicals in toothpaste, sodium laureth sulfate, temporarily squashes sweet taste bud receptors so candy doesn’t taste so yummy after you’ve brushed.

Treat: Don’t brush before you’ve treated yourself to our Chocolate Cupcake! At just 140 calories, it’s full of luscious, chocolatey goodness that you can feel good about enjoying.

11. Keep giving out candy after Halloween.

diet tricks

Trick: The last but certainly not the least of our diet tricks involves giving. Many organizations have started accepting donations and buying leftover Halloween candy to send to American troops. They put the candy in care packages and send them to troops all over the world. You can even create your own care packages and hand them out to those who are in need.

Treat: You’ve done a good deed. Treat yourself with a Nutrisystem Lemon Zest Cake. Drizzled with icing, this sweet treat contains only 140 calories.

How to Have a Healthy Halloween Party

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The post 11 Diet Tricks and Treats for a Healthy Halloween appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

How do I lose weight when my partner doesn't want to

Before we start I've always been really bad at Grammer sorry in advance

Ok so 2 years ago I was 520lbs I had my "click moment" and in about a year and 2 months I lost 220 of it through constent diet and exercise, then I started dating my gf and long story short a cheat meal here, a cheat meal there, I'm back up to 360-380. Me and my partner live together now, we have both tried dieting together which has worked for the short time we did it but it only lasted a month I want to get back on track but if my GF doesn't want to what are some tips to stick to my diet because every time I try it only lasts for about a day maybe two. I know this sounds strange but I have issues remembering I'll be at work thinking that I want to start my diet Right here and now but on the way home or maybe that weekend after I'll grab a bag of hot Cheetos and some soda without even thinking and won't even realize that I'm breaking my diet until after, like I said I've already lost 200 lb I know what I'm doing so it's not that I'm depriving myself it's just that I can't remember that I'm on my diet, It was easier in the past because I was able to do it without any distractions but now that I live with my GF she brings home unhealthy food I have even asked her to try hiding it but that hasn't worked because our apartment is very small and any place she's able to hide it that's where I keep my normal stuff anyway,she is very sensitive about her weight and I've even asked her if me and her could go back on it together but she gets very emotional and refuses to do so. It's very frustrating because I have nobody in my life that is big and has gone through the same thing that I do so either 1 their overweight as well but they don't want to lose weight Or 2 they've never had to deal with weight loss so they don't get the struggle that I've been through and they just shrugg it off

sorry for the long post but if anybody has gone through weight loss while their partner hasn't and was successful I could really use some advice. Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/pigin198
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I feel my relationship with food is changing.

Previously I would say I craved the same foods. Bread, chocolate, carbs, anything creamy. If I had a loaf in the house, that's what I would eat until it was gone. Over the last month I've been more adventurous and cooked from what was here. Today I'll have a thai pork bone broth and prawn soup, I'll add in stir fried greens and some rice on the side. Previously, I'd make that but really fancy the carby addiction of fish and chips. I'll always struggle with food and weight, but for now I'm in a good place and am celebrating that. For once I'm not craving junk food, I'm getting genuine pleasure out of putting good things in my body. This time, for me, weight loss has to come with other changes in my life, less procrastination, more finishing of tasks, more making my home a space which allows me time to do new things. In the uk, and in the rest of the world, we have a long winter ahead. We have uncertainty, change, fear and loss to face. Weight loss is part of how I deal with that, it's something positive and it allows me to imagine new horizons when this is all past or st least is a new equilibrium. Each good change is what I'm focusing on. Enjoying little victories, whether temporary or permanent, in a world where each person individually seems so powerless in the present.

submitted by /u/Dogwarden
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It's the night before Day 1

Hi everyone,

I've made an account today to hopefully be a part of something here. I've been really inspired by everyone here on r/loseit and so here I am, a redditor for real now!

I know you're all probably familiar with false starts or no starts at all, and I know that weight loss journeys are hardly ever linear, but I really feel like I can do it for real this time. Like many of you, I have tried to lose weight before but it has never stuck. I think I've faced a lot of the issues you all have faced, from binge eating to simply not being disciplined with the new, healthy lifestyle changes needed. Scrolling through this subreddit and reading about all of you real people out there on the same journey has been wonderful and inspiring.

I have to lose around 20 kgs, which I know isn't the hugest amount of weight, but at about 5ft2, I'm seriously overweight and I know this is a lifestyle change I have to make soon-if not now.

I guess I just wanted to say that I'm giving it another go today. I think what I've learned from my past attempts has been that no matter how many times you fall off the wagon (and you will fall off), it's only a failure if you don't try to get back on that path.

So here I go, with countless falls behind me and I'm sure many more to come, here I come with Day 1!

submitted by /u/trying_and_learning
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No Tricks! Just 13 Healthy Halloween Treats

Want to enjoy the festivities without falling off track this Halloween? We’ve got you covered with these adorable Halloween themed treats.
They’re cute, delicious and completely guilt-free. So you won’t scare of the progress you’ve made on your weight loss plan. Bonus: If you’ve got kiddies or grandkiddies, they will love making these fun festive treats with you!


french onion dip

This Spider French Onion Dip is the perfect dish to bring to your next gathering, whether it’s a healthy Halloween celebration or a child’s birthday party!


banana ghosts

Get your healthy Halloween off to a ghoulishly good start with these adorable and festive banana ghosts.


These Apple Peanut Butter Monster Mouths are simple to assemble and even easier to devour!



This Frankenstein kiwi treat is the perfect healthy addition to your Halloween festivities.


orange pumpkins

These orange pumpkins are perfect for your next healthy Halloween celebration.


carrot fingers

These Carrot Fingers with Hummus are a perfect healthy Halloween recipe.


cheese broomsticks

These Bewitched Cheese Broomsticks are a perfect Halloween recipe. They’re on theme and on plan!



This Candy Corn Parfait is the perfect healthy treat for your Halloween celebrations.


These Popcorn Hands are a creepy (and delicious!) way to celebrate Halloween slim-down style.


These Spider Deviled Eggs are creepy to look at but delicious to eat!


turkey mummies

These Turkey and Hummus Mummies are so easy to make, you can get the kiddies in on the action! They’re a simple and tasty treat anyone can create.


fruit cup

These Jack-O-Lantern Fruit Cups are the perfect addition to your healthy Halloween celebration. Just scoop out the orange, draw on faces (or carve them if you’re feeling adventurous!), then fill them with green grapes… or any of your favorite fruits!


stuffed pepper

Who says Halloween is only about sweet treats? Follow any of your favorite stuffed pepper recipes for this tasty dish (we like this one!). Just scoop out the insides of your pepper, carve a fun face, and stuff it with anything you choose!

The post No Tricks! Just 13 Healthy Halloween Treats appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

How can I get out of this rut of eating less & doing more cardio?

Hello. I have been into fitness for a good few years now & I was originally very over weight. Over the past 5 years I have lost over 50lb & built quite a bit of muscle from a regular lifting routine. I am almost 42 years of age now & almost happy with my body. My plan this year was to diet back down to a low body fat % & maintain or maybe had a little more muscle. So I have been trying to lose the last few pounds by my normal method of calorie counting & cardio since the beginning of this year. However, I am struggling & I believe it's due to my metabolism slowing down as I have been in that viscous cycle of eating less & doing more cardio to the point I am constantly hungry & my weight loss as stalled.

I am confident I am in a calorie deficit as I eat the same thing each day & track all calories. I am eating a measly 1200 calories a day which for a 5'8" guy is not much at all plus I am now doing 5 miles a day on the elliptical machine & 3 days of lifting.

My plan is to cut the cardio out to 3 days per week for maybe a month then start to raise my calories slowly by about 100 per day every few week. I am petrified that if I reduce my cardio or eat a little more I will pile back on the weight. However, I cant go on like this forever.

Any advice please?

submitted by /u/matthew6978
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Avoiding loose skin with a 100lb weight loss?

Hi! I’m a 20yrs old female and I have been overweight my whole life. I did have two « major » weight losses in my life (one when I was I was 14yrs old, around 14kg in 3,5 months, and the other when I was 17, I think the same but I’m not sure because I didn’t have a scale at that time) but I always ended up gaining the weight back because it was short term. Now I am at my heaviest, 103kg (227lb). I took the decision to be serious about loosing weight this time and taking my time with it because I’m now only doing it for myself. I planned on loosing 5kg (11lb) a month, until I attain my goal weight (which is around 57kg/125lb). That makes overall around a 45kg/100lb weight loss. What I’m the most terrified of is loose skin. I’m really scared of loosing this weight and still really hating how I look because of a new issue/being flabby. I was wondering if 5kg a month was a good pace to not get loose skin? Also I have some stretch marks around my body, does that mean that those area will be loose/flabby after I loose the weight? I heard that muscles are good against loose skin, but should I build my muscles as I’m loosing weight or should I loose all the weight and then put on muscles? I’m kind of really scared of loose skin, do you have any advice?

submitted by /u/irrelevant-lemon
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How do I go on from here?

Hi guys so I really need your help. When I started my weight loss journey in January of this year I really had no idea what cico was. I just told myself to eat 1000 kcal a day and walk for 4 hours every single day. Needless to say I did lose weight. But I also learned how to actually calculate the kcals that I need to eat per day and decided to download MFP. And it was going great for while I upped my calories a little 1400kcal per day and I kept walking for 4 hours.

Now that I kind of plateaued at 60 - 59kg (not really my goal weight but nonetheless happy with it.) I want to start maintaining now. The problem is I have used way to many calculators. And got different numbers like 1650 or 1720 some even went up as 1900. And I choose sedentary for all of them. What do u guys think is my maintenance calories?

Also I want to quit walking for too long. 4 hours are just too long and I have other things to do. Would stopping walking and eating on my maintenance make me gain weight? I have been walking since the beginning of my journey, it feels like I have to do it forever to keep my weight now.

Tbh I don’t even know how much 4 hours of walking burn exactly. I just kept doing it because I saw progress and was too scared to change it.

What do you think I should do? How much should I eat daily? How do I decrease the walking? Will I gain weight if I decrease the walking since am plateauing now on 60kg while walking 4h a day and eating between 1600 - 1800 kcal?

All of your replies r very appreciated.

Female 20y 167 cm Sw:83kg Cw:60kg Gw:56kg Daily exercise: walk for 4h at 2,5 mph

submitted by /u/Saltbaecookie
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Weight loss slowing down

At the start of quarentine, I was around 180-185 pounds, not the best for someone my height (5'2''). Since then, I've brought myself down to the 155 pound area, but I can't seem to lose more. I've decided to take a short break from dieting, but I'm planning on going back to it after this week. Was this the right decision? Normally, aside from this little break, i eat a max of 800-1000 calories a day, my school's online zoom PE class is keeping me active. I'm not too sure what exactly I'm doing wrong. My goal is to get around 115-120 pounds, but I seem to be stuck. Any help at all is appreciated.

submitted by /u/mothman_is_cornflake
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Counting calorie OUT - how accurate is Fitbit? I compared my CICO data over 11 weeks

First off, I am grateful to this sub for all the great resources and the inspirational posts. I have achieved something I didn’t think I’d be able to. Since July this year, I have lost 33 lbs. I am now in the normal BMI range, something I haven’t been in over 7 years. I’m going to include more details about my journey at the end, but now let’s get to the main part of this post.

After starting to track my calorie in/out, I always wondered about the actual amount of calories I’m burning every day and how accurate the calories shown in Fitbit was. Yes, I used the TDEE calculator but without knowing my BF%, I couldn’t be certain about the numbers. Yesterday, I compared my calorie in and out using the data from MFP and Fitbit over a period of 11 weeks. And, I was very surprised with the accuracy! The calculated and actual weight loss values were less than one lb apart (24.50 vs 23.56), which is impressive considering all the variables that go into the calculation. Here’s a chart showing the details of my calculation. Note that, the calculation was done starting about 3 weeks after I began my weight loss journey to negate the effects of water weight. Here’s my complete weight loss trend.

It would be interesting to see how accurate the fitness tracker is for people of different age, sex, etc. I found an older post describing similar experience, and I am interested to hear from you who have compared their results. I don’t own any other fitness trackers or smart watches so can’t compare the performances. But I expect other brands like Garmin and Apple to perform on a similar level. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have!

submitted by /u/DwightUC
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Friday, October 30, 2020

Losing weight while taking ADHD medications

I've struggle with weight for years. (Male, 40, 111kg, 184cm). I eat in a fog, not noticing I am doing it, and struggle to maintain routines.

A big part of this is, I have recently learnt, is because I had ADHD. The theory is that my brain has less dopamine transporters and so I struggle to focus and make clear decisions.

On 2 October I started taking dexamphetamine and it has changed my life. For the first time, I can make clear decisions about what I eat and how I exercise. I still make bad decisions sometimes (I'm only human) but the decisions are MINE.

This means that I have lost 4kg (8.8 pounds) since the start of the month!

HOWEVER, one of the side effects of dexamphetamine is weight loss because it acts as an appetite suppressant and makes the body burn calories faster than usual.

I need to lose weight but I want to do it in a healthy way.

I'm currently eating an average of 6000kj a day which I think might be too low.

What do you all think?

submitted by /u/griefofwant
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In a caloric deficit but not losing weight

So little background on me I’m 23 now and weigh 180 pounds at 5”10. A couple years back at the age of 17 I was 228 and hated the way I looked. I decided to go on a weight loss journey and worked my butt off 2 times a day for 5 days a week and got my nutrition in order to cut down to 150 in about 8 months. So after that I have been maintaining my weight at around 165 but quarantine the last couple months made me gain 15 pounds that I’d like to shed off now. I started three weeks ago with a caloric deficit and 45 minutes of cardio 4 times a week as well as a weight lifting routine 5 times a week (Monday chest tris, tuesday shoulders, Thursday back and bis, Friday legs, Saturday bis tris and abs). I started at 180 and now three weeks later I am still at 180. I’ve been weighing myself every other day in the same conditions and the scale fluctuates from 179-182. I know I’m in a caloric deficit because I’ve accurately counting my calories at 1700 every single day and my tdee is 2793 cal a day. Sodium is at 600 mg a day and no more than that.It’s been extremely frustrating and I have no idea what’s going on. This is the first time in my life I feel helpless with all the work I’m putting in but seeing no progress. I want to put it down as water weight but I have no clue why after 3 weeks I would be holding this much water weight every single day.

submitted by /u/arabianmango
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Need help getting back into routine :(

Hey everyone,

I began my weight loss journey at the beginning of March this year and I had lost around 10kg by mid-July. However, since, the end of July, my willpower and commitment to my diet has completely fallen off. Like, I remember slacking off at the end of July because it was a friend's birthday and similar events after it. When I'd celebrated other birthdays etc whilst on my weight loss journey I'd get back on it the next day. But for some reason this time it was different.

It's now almost November and I've completely reverted back to the destructive eating habits that I used to have. I'm typing this after eating an entire share bag of chocolate buttons and I had four chocolate eclairs for lunch. I've gained 3kg and I'm kicking myself because I can feel myself slipping back to my original weight and I keep thinking about all of the progress that I could have made if I had kept it going in July.

If anyone could provide any advice or tips on how to get back on the bandwagon again, I would be very grateful. I've honestly gone back to how I used to be, by telling myself that I'd start again tomorrow or on Monday. I don't want to wake up one day and realise that I've gained it all back.

TLDR: fell off the bandwagon after months of good progress, back to bad eating habits + gained 3kg. Please help!!!

submitted by /u/ms930652210
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Different experiences with (unhealthy) diets and workouts

Hellow fellow redditor or anyone who is reading this, I would like to talk about my experiences with weight loss in this post.16F, 160 cm/5'3 SW: 100 kg/220 lbs, CW: 65 kg/143 lbs, GW: ~58 kg/ ~ 128 lbs. I have started my weightloss way back in March 2019 with my highest weight of 100 kg. I've lost around 23 kg by being on a diet, which I absolutely hated, but in total took me 2,5 months. The diet originally consisted of eating cooked buckwheat 5 times a day with some dash of salad. I could barely eat it once a day and replaced 2 portions with some instant soup(or other low calorie alternatives). So at that point I was weighting around 77 kg and I stopped my diet till end of July 2020(I tried going back to the buckwheat diet beforehand, but I was unsuccessful). I was around 82 kg when I started dieting again. This time I would eat about 600-800 calories a day, if I was not exercising. I basically ate just whatever if it wouldn't go over the calorie limit I would have set for that day. It was going along just fine, but I thought it was going to slow, so I decided to bring in exercising. I've tried many workouts before, but the best of them all was and the one that I still use till this day is Chloe Ting's 2 week shred challenge(maybe some of you have heard of it before). In the end I would see results faster than me losing a bunch of weight, even if my weight wasn't going down as quickly. But I really do not recommend my approach at basically starving myself, since a healthy diet should atleast be around 1200 calories.Mainly because it has brought many side effects: hairloss, being tired all the time, bad breath and at some point it almost came to a blackout. (Just do not try it longterm. It is better losing the weight slow than fast, because your body needs to get used to a lighter weight and it won't get it on so fast if you'll end up eating) Setting unrealistic weight loss goals were not helping either (give your body the time it needs). Also even if you are the same weight and height as someone else, your body can look totally different than the other person's, which leads me to my actual, first GW of 49 kg/109 lbs. I realized I do not need to be near that number because I would be skin and bones at that point, because of my bones themselves/or general proportions (I'm not saying that someone else would look bad at that weight, it's just what I think about weight fitting my body in general). BMI can differ from body to body and it may not apply to someone with a different body complexion, but in most cases you should aim to be somewhere around the normal weight range. RN I'm still trying to lose weight, but not limiting myself too much, since it would harm me even more in the long run. TL;DR: I hopefully could prove to the reader, that you shouldn't starve yourself/shouldn't eat what you hate and taking it slow in any changes with your body.

submitted by /u/ikorinqwq
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Seeking thoughts, experience, anecdotes, and advice: Dating after/mid-weight loss

Over the course of the last year and half I lost roughly 100 pounds — taking me (female, 21, 5’6”) from 285 to a little over 185. (I am still losing weight — I’d like to lose roughly ~35 more pounds — but I feel like I’m in a way, way better place than I was 18 months ago.) This transformation, while undoubtedly positive, has left me with some saggy-ness likely atypical for someone my age and a generally confused self image. My numbers tell me I’m probably still kinda fat-looking, but I do think I’m more muscular than most people my weight because clothes I wore at this weight in high school are too loose/fit different now (after body weight training thru weight loss) and when people guess my weight they always go way low. Since it’s quarantine it’s all dating apps and I don’t want to post the least flattering photos I can find, but if I post a photo I think I look cute in, I’m plagued with self-doubt about being a “catfish” and when I match with people I actually find attractive or slim people, I think “Oh no, my photos must be misleading” and then don’t want to respond to them. It’s made worse by quarantine because I can’t ask anyone to take photos of me without coming off as a narcissist since I’m not going anywhere cool, but I’m also worried about selfies and mirror selfies. I try to take them from a normal height and angle, to avoid the slimming affect but? My phone camera isn’t good enough for self-timer—somehow it always makes my face look blurry and I stand hella awkwardly without a photographer/myself to direct me. And then even if my photos are accurate to my size, I’m worried about my body/skin not looking like what someone would expect of a 21 year old. But I don’t want to lead with my ugly either you know? I feel like the beginning of a relationship should be about getting to know and appreciate each other, not me vomiting out all of my anxieties and insecurities, you know? But I also like to take it slow, and I don’t want to string someone along all the while if with full information, they would not be interested.

I don’t know my exact question. I guess how did you navigate this? How did you balance being as upfront as possible while still putting your best foot forward like everybody else? How do you even know what you look like, when photos/the mirror can be misleading? How do you deal with a shifting self image and dating in general?

submitted by /u/thisloserisauser
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Does it get easier?

I've been logging my food and exercise for not quite three weeks now, and it's going alright. I've lost weight before and dabbled in counting calories, but I've always stopped before getting to my goal weight or being truly satisfied with my body. My lowest adult weight has been a few, maybe 10, lbs below the line delineating "normal" and "overweight" BMI.

This time I'm confident that I have the necessary discipline to continue logging and limiting caloric intake until I see the kind of progress I want. I just wonder: does it get easier? I'm certainly not starved, and I don't feel woozy or malnourished. I'm just always hungry. Even after a meal, I always feel like I'm not quite full and would love to eat just a bit more. I'm telling myself that this feeling is how I know that my actions are working and that I'm doing a good job, and it's not terribly overwhelming. But it gets overwhelming when I consider the possibility that being slimmer may mean feeling like this for the rest of my life, as long as I'm adhering to the weight loss. Is maintenance easier than the weight loss part? How long does it take for your body to adjust to eating less? Food is delicious and I've used it as a coping mechanism in the past, and the idea of feeling deprived indefinitely is difficult to think about.

Thank you for reading, I could use a bit of support right now.

submitted by /u/dezavue
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I lost 35 lbs. since the start of the year

Yesterday I weighed myself and I weighed 191 lbs. I started the year at 226 lbs. I'm happy but I haven't told anyone IRL about my weight loss. My clothes are definitely fitting more loosely now (except in the calf area of my jeans because running is making my calves bigger). I've been following a mostly plant based diet (I'm a vegetarian and do have some animal based products like cream for my coffee) and I run at least 3-4 miles three times a week. I drastically cut back on fast food and ordering out partly because it's not healthy, I need to save money and vegetarian options, while better, still aren't the greatest at restaurants. I'm learning some great vegetarian meals like three bean chili and tofu chili. This journey has been amazing and I can't wait to see what comes next.

submitted by /u/crochetinglibrarian
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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Why I don't completely regret gaining back 20 lbs of the 30 lbs I lost


Hey everyone! So for some background I am an 18 year old male. I am 6 foot 3 inches and I currently weigh just under 260 lbs and when I started my weight loss journey back in March I was 273 lbs. I lost around 30 lbs before I started struggling mentally and gave up on eating better for a month or so. Yep, a month is all it took to gain 2/3 of the weight back that I spent multiple months losing.

See, I would normally be distraught over this, but this gaining back of weight has taught me a lot. I am someone who believe everything happens for a reason, and I feel like this is no different. I started this journey after my high school shut down because of COVID (I have since graduated and now attend my dream college). I had just started losing weight because there was nothing fun to eat around the house and I couldn't go out and get food. Over the course of losing weight I never really noticed a difference in how I felt. I thought I had more energy and felt lighter but I wasn't sure.

Gaining back this weight has illustrated I was 100% right. I felt SO much lighter and had WAY more energy. I was never really tired, I felt great, I was more responsible and overall happier. Currently, I feel like garbage physically and I really don't enjoy it. So, some words of warning for those of you on the right path now: If you start slacking, you will regret it, and you will feel 100x worse than you do now, I promise. Keep going, you got this.

In addition to this, I kind of had a breakthrough moment. Even though I am 13 or so pounds lighter than I was, I realized I am fat. People always say "no, you're not fat, your just chubby" or "you're just big-boned!" I now absolutely hate when people say that. I am fat, and I own that now. I am more self-conscious, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. If you have a reason to be self-conscious (like being fat and unhealthy), you should probably be self-conscious for your own good. This was kind of an unexpected discovery for me but I am glad I discovered it.

Lastly, I found out: WEIGHT LOSS IS POSSIBLE! I thought it would be so hard to lose weight, but through CICO I had very little difficulty. I found I enjoyed it a lot and I am happy to be back on the right path.

So, where am I now? I am a fat college student with more motivation than ever to improve. I now know it is possible and that it really isn't as hard as everyone makes it out to be. I also realized how much weight I want to lose and now I am the one pushing for weight loss, it isn't just happening because of quarantine. Lastly, I am working on building muscle while losing weight, and so far it has been a lot of fun.


submitted by /u/EnthusiastofAll
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App to track emotional /compulsive eating? (Plus pro WL tips offered)

First time posting here after a lot of lurking, any advice appreciated!

I am on my weight loss journey having finally started losing after years not knowing how. I worked out that CICO is the way, and I use Fasting to help.

The problem is, yeah CICO is simple, but it’s not easy. Sometimes I emotionally or compulsively eat, not quite the full BED but still a strong emotional compulsive response which id like to learn to control so I can stay within my calories.

As well as tracking calories I decided to non judgementally write down when I was over (which is at least a couple of times a week, Sometimes over 1000kcal) but also why - I had a load of reasons sometimes stress, sometimes underprepared, sometimes “self soothing.”

I started to see patterns and separate myself from my compulsive thoughts.

Then my therapist suggested tracking not when I gave into the compulsion, but when I had the compulsion and successfully worked through it thereby reinforcing and rewarding positive behaviour. This was a breakthrough for me. Already I am starting to see mind patterns which I can see are there but as yet not managed to conquer.

Having an app being able to log the thoughts and “check off” a successful day and maybe even categorise the different triggers would really help me. Does anyone have any suggestions?

TL;DR - I’m looking for an app to track and work through emotional eating triggers and would like to check off successful days and write down the triggers

Cross posting to r/Decidingtobebetter

submitted by /u/Five__Dollar__Shake
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Environment is EVERYTHING.

I've been trying to lose weight for 10+ years: always falling off the wagon, getting back on, and learning more and more. Exhausting? Yes - but I'll get there! And this time, I've learned the most important lesson for me.

Y'all. Your environment is so, so important to weight loss.

Before the pandemic started, my environment wasn't ideal because I wasn't paying attention or taking care of it. We had junk food in the house. Our housemate didn't eat healthily, and I allowed her bad habits to influence me. I told myself it was too hot, too cold, or too wet to exercise. We had a gym, but I made excuses. I thought "it's not the right time, I need things to be right". Put simply: I didn't lose weight in The Better Times, because I was waiting for perfect conditions.

And then things got so much worse.

Covid shut the gyms. We got takeaway delivered almost every night during lockdown. Depression, anxiety and sadness set in. Good things happened too - I started walking every day when we were allowed one exercise a day. We couldn't go to the shops to snack so much. I started thinking, "maybe I can be one of those people who loses weight during quarantine!"

...Then things turned really bad.

Basically, my mum moved in with us. I had to rescue her from a horrible situation, and she's a very negative person. Since she's been staying I've realised some horrible things about my childhood I can't process properly while she's still here. The woman is a black hole of negative energy. I feel like crying whenever I'm in the same room as her. We're working on getting her in a better living situation as soon as possible - but until then, I feel trapped. My mental health is in a dire state.

And you know what? Weight loss can wait. I did the bingeing thing... it makes me feel worse. So I won't be intentionally seeking out junk food.

But if I want a pizza? I'll get a small one. Extra cheese.

If I need to get out of the house? I'll take a big walk - I won't try and run, and risk breaking down crying because I can't meet the standards of where I "think" I "should" be by now.

Life's thrown us a curveball to the side of the face. And I'm seeing the evidence everywhere - it seems like either people have thrived over quarantine, getting into bodyweight fitness and ridding themselves of junk food without the pressure of eating while socialising. Their environment has improved for weight loss. Others have put on weight, or barely maintained, because their environment has worsened for weight loss.

This is me. And if this is you, it's okay.

It's never too late. It's genuinely okay to take a break, because the world is exploding. Even if you've been way too lazy during The Good Times.

It feels like I've been evicted from a large, lovely house I took for granted and allowed to fall into ruin, and now I feel what I lost. I'm living in a broom cupboard, and regrouping. Re-learning what I need to do to keep my environment clean, build good habits, and thrive on the other side.

Just a thought. I hope it helps.

submitted by /u/PitifulParfait
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The benefit​ of setting monthly goals vs week

I used to break it down by week because many of the weight loss apps ask that when recommending daily calorie intact. This may not be for everyone but I've found my motivation has been higher now that I've mentally shifted to monthly goals. I've found that sometimes the number doesn't go down after repeat days of healthy eating and exercise, which is frustrating. Then I hop on the scale and I've down 3 lbs. When the opposite happens and I gain instead of lose weight I don't feel as discouraged because I know I'm still able to meet my monthly goal. This has also helped light a fire under me to start every month with renewed enthusiasm. Mini version of the New Years resolution.

submitted by /u/asdftret
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from loseit - Lose the Fat