Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Looking for strategies to field unhelpful responses to weight loss...

Tldr: losing weight successfully for the first time, anxious about family in denial.

Hi all.

First time posting, so sorry if I futz it up...

A bit about me...

I've always been large, hit 100kg and 5' 11" by 13 years old, early puberty and severe PCOS meant that my weight ballooned even though I was super active in cross country and hockey. It just kept creeping up over the years as I tried various extremes with (surprise!) minimal results.

My highest weight coincided with leaving Nursing and moving from urban UK to rural France. I was 145kg, at which point I just gave up, ate as I wanted, and focused on my mental health to try and like my body.

Well, one year later and I weighed in at 135kg... great, gives me hope for maintaining, but still a rubbish relationship with food and the hangover of bingeing under pressure.

I started noom around 3 weeks ago and am currently 125kg, but more importantly, finally fixing my relationship with the stuff of life, and feeling really positive that this is the thing that works for me and is sustainable.

So yeah, wall of words...

My unexpected challenge is how to approach discussing my weight loss with family...

My biological family are fat, almost without exception. My step family are not, and that's used as an excuse within the family...

'she eats well, just too much' (of a 180kg + cousin)

'it's genetic, you'll always just be big' (why try then?)

And endless, ENDLESS food pushing.

At the moment Covid and geography means that I can conceal my progress, but any advice or similar experiences would be hugely welcome.

Also, hi! You're all amazing and SO INSPIRING!

See you all when I'm brave enough for r/progresspics probably 😂

submitted by /u/PoppyToffcorn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/34d2R0L

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