Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Macros Counting Simplified (with Excel Formulas)

Excel File Provided!

Hey guys,

I came across this video the other day on Youtube about a simplified way of calculating macros for weight loss, weight gain or maintaining weight.


It was made by Brendan Tietz and I think he did an amazing job with it. I don’t know him and he didn’t pay me to sing the praises for him. I just like that video a lot and I think it needs to be shared more. The one thing I feel is missing though, is an Excel spreadsheet accompanying the video, to make it even easier for people to do the math involved, so I went ahead and made one and I want to share it with you guys here:

Zoho Sheet link: https://sheet.zoho.com/sheet/published.do?rid=f5754c5ce21b599ce42939a1b388b8887a43c

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/db9l5715nety9a9/How%20to%20Count%20Macros%20-%20Simplified%20Method%201.xlsx?dl=0

Although I made this Excel spreadsheet, I want to credit Brendan for all the wisdom and techniques because he is the one who came up with this method and I merely translated that into Excel. I highly recommend that you guys check out that video and his channel.

Before we dive into the Excel, here is some relevant knowledge that Brendan shares in the video that my Excel is based from:

1. How to manipulate our body weight. Essentially, without being overly complex:

• When we take in more calories than we burn, we gain weight.

• When we take in less calories than we burn, we lose weight.

2. There’s about 3500 calories in a pound of fat. This is argued in the nutritional world, but in Brendan’s experience, it’s pretty accurate.

3. We need to take 14 – 16 calories per pound of our body weight to maintain our weight. In other words, just for us to maintain our current weight, we need to calculate our daily total caloric target by using a multiplier of 14 - 16 calories for each pound of our body weight. There are more complicated equations that we can use to figure out our RMR, or Resting Metabolic Rate and so on. However, the more Brendan does those complex calculations, the more he realizes that: “Simplicity is just better.”

4. Fat has about 9 calories per gram of Macro. In other words, the Fat macronutrient provides about 9 calories per gram.

5. Carbs have about 4 calories per gram of Macro. In other words, the Carbs macronutrient provides about 4 calories per gram.

6. Protein has about 4 calories per gram of Macro. In other words, the Protein macronutrient provides about 4 calories per gram.

Now let’s dive into the Excel, when you open it, please know that the numbers in cells highlighted red are calculated automatically via Excel formulas, so there's NO need to enter them yourself at all. You simply need to enter the relevant data in the cells highlighted green, and the rest will take care by itself. Hopefully that’s useful for you guys. Let me know if you want any changes or improvement and I’ll do my best to make it happen.

There are 4 examples, or people, in the Excel. And I will explain the first one in detail here. You can see that it is Henry, who is the example that Brendan used in the video. Henry weights 200 pounds and wants to lose weight. Remember this piece of knowledge that I mentioned earlier?

“We need to take 14 – 16 calories per pound of our body weight to maintain our weight. In other words, just for us to maintain our current weight, we need to calculate our daily total caloric target by using a multiplier of 14 - 16 calories for each pound of our body weight.”

The “Calorie Multiplier” in my Excel is where we can plug in this “multiplier”, which can be 14, 15 or 16. Basically,

• If someone is a less active, or female, then we give him/her a lower number.

• If someone is a more active, or male, then we give him/her a higher number.

For Henry, we give him the middle number: 15. He is male and not super active or super inactive. And we know that Henry weights 200 pounds, so we take that 200 and multiply it by 15, which means Henry’s estimated maintenance calories are:

200 x 15 = 3000 calories per day.

As you can see, that is calculated automatically via Excel formula. Next, we will do Henry’s caloric deficit calculation, because he wants to lose weight. And we can enter that in the “Goal” cell. Since we now know Henry’s maintenance calories are 3000 per day, we can subtract that by 500, the “Daily Calorie Change” cell we enter “-500”, which means he will take 500 calories less every day, and get:

3000 – 500 = 2500 calories a day.

The “New Daily Calories” cell automatically calculates this number. So, Henry eats only 2500 calories a day, and in a week, he would be eating:

500 x 7 = 3500 less calories in a week.

The “Weekly Calorie Change” cell calculates that number automatically. It shows “-3500”, because in a week Henry is consuming a total of 3500 negative calories. Remember this piece of knowledge we learned previously?

“There’s about 3500 calories in a pound of fat.”

This means Henry will be able to lose, more or less, 1 pound of fat each week. You can see that the “Weekly Weight Gain in Pound” cell shows “-1”, and that indicates a negative body weight gain of 1 pound. And that number is also automatically calculated by Excel. Now Henry will not see a perfect 1 pound per week weight loss, but more or less 1 pound, and that is due to the following reasons:

• Water weight.

• Hormonal issues.

• Sodium and glycogen fluctuations.

• And so on..

So, 1 pound a week reduction more or less, not absolute.. it’s not exact science here, but a simplified easy-to-apply method.

Next, let’s calculate Henry’s Macros (hint: starting from 07:40 in the video). It’s important to note that fat and protein are essential macronutrients and we can’t eliminate either of those completely without severely harming ourselves or even causing death. Carbs, however, can be eliminated. That’s why when we assign the macronutrients, we will start with fat and protein.

For fat, we will assign anywhere from 0.2 – 0.5 grams per pound of body weight. Which number we choose is up to us. In Henry’s example, we choose 0.3 grams and enter that into the “Fat Multiplier” cell in Excel, and Excel will automatically multiply that by his body weight in order to calculate Henry’s daily “Grams of Fat” to consume:

“Grams of Fat” = 200 pounds X 0.3 = 60 grams.

Once again we need to use a piece of knowledge that we learned earlier:

“Fat has about 9 calories per gram of Macro.”

That means we now can calculate Henry’s daily “Fat Calories”, as shown in Excel, and that will be the calories that Henry will get from fat each day:

“Fat Calories” = “Grams of Fat” 60 x 9 = 540 calories.

Moving onto protein, and by the way you can see that basically all such data relating to Macros can be calculated via Excel formula automatically. We simply need to provide the “Fat Multiplier” number, and everything to its right will show up automatically. For protein, it’s super simple, whatever Henry’s bodyweight is, that number is the “Grams of Protein” that he will consume each day, and that is 200 grams because his weight is 200 pounds. Again, knowledge time:

“Protein has about 4 calories per gram of Macro.”

So, now we can get Henry’s daily “Protein Calories”:

“Protein Calories” = 200 Grams of Protein X 4 = 800

Which means, time to do some addition now, the combined “Fat + Protein Calories” are:

“Fat Calories” 540 + “Protein Calories” 800 = 1340, as is shown automatically in the “Fat + Protein Calories” cell. Previously we have calculated that Henry’s “New Daily Calories” are 2500, so we can now get his “Carbs Calories” by doing a subtraction:

“Carbs Calories” = “New Daily Calories” 2500 – “Fat + Protein Calories” 1340 = 1160

And finally, Henry’s daily “Grams of Carbs” can be calculated out. Well, knowledge time again:

“Carbs have about 4 calories per gram of Macro.”

Which means, Henry’s daily “Grams of Carbs” are:

“Grams of Carbs” = “Carbs Calories” 1160 / 4 = 290

That’s it! In summary, Henry’s daily Macro breakdown is as follows:

Grams of Fat: 60

Fat Calories: 540

Grams of Protein: 200

Protein Calories: 800

Grams of Carbs: 290

Carb Calories: 1160

Total Calories: 2500

I really hope you guys find the Excel helpful. Let me know if you have any questions, suggestions for changes/improvements please, and I’ll do my best to make it happen. Have a wonderful day everybody!

With gratitude,



submitted by /u/sunshine235
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/31mkTfa

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