Monday, June 14, 2021

35M 6 foot SW-236.2 CW-206.2 CICO/Running —- Scale and Non Scale Victories

I lurk here and love reading about people’s victories.

Had a bit of a cheat weekend because a friend was in from out of town. I’d been weighing in the 208-211 range for the last 3 weeks after powering through the first 25 pounds of weight loss over the course of 2 months. Mainly via CICO and picking up a running habit. In that time I’ve gone from barely finishing a 400m lap to being able to run for 40+ minutes straight.

Yesterday after a disgustingly delicious breakfast sandwich (everything bagel, jalapeño cream cheese, and bacon!)I had a salad with grilled chicken for lunch and went on a run. When I got home I just wanted pizza so that’s what I had… and it was glorious.

I fully expected to wake up this morning and see the damage I’d done but instead I hopped on the scale and it read 206.2! Which gives me exactly 30 lbs lost since April 1.

I spent the day working from home and going over my calorie counts over the last few weeks to see if the weight was one of those outliers. Nope… seems like the weekend of cheating helped me flush a bit and catch up to my expected weight from calorie deficit.

I was planning on going for a 4 mile run after work and the weather was perfect. Felt good through the first two miles and checked my pace. I was on pace for a sub 30 minute 5k so I pushed through and managed to cross the 5k mark at 29:32 (personal best) and continued through to complete the 4 mile work out in 38:47.

Big wins today crossed the 30 lb lost line and ran a sub 30 5k. Also this puts me about 6 pounds from upping the calories a bit closer to maintenance. Trust the process!

submitted by /u/Context_Mundane
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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