Monday, June 14, 2021

Weight stalled, doing everything right…

So not too long ago I signed up to train with a PT. I mainly needed it for accountability, as over the years I couldn’t stick to a diet on my own and have yo-yo’ed the last few years.

I got a meal plan, typical for weight loss, lots of protein with every meal, gotta measure and weight everything. Out of curiosity I put the info in MyFitnessPal and it’s about 1200 cal/day

I started May 23, and in the first week lost 3lbs. SW 171, CW 168 (F29, 5’4) So by May 30 I was down 3 lbs.

I weight myself a week later, hoping I lost another lb or even half, but nothing. And then another week passed, another Sunday weigh in (June 13) weight hasn’t budged. Two whole weeks passed and not even an ounce lost…

I never had that issue before. I always lost 1lb a week regularly on diets. What could be the issue this time? Any advice?

submitted by /u/cheesecakeonastick
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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