Sunday, June 13, 2021

Do you ever feel like people will say literally anything to convince you that you don’t need to lose weight? [Rant!]

I just need to rant. Quick backstory, I’m 5’7.5, female, and 29. In 2019 I lost 53 pounds going from an even 200 to my lowest of 147. Then, 2020 hit and I struggled a lot. I have gained 21 pounds currently back at 168. I’m now fully vaccinated, back in the office, just got an amazing promotion and decided it’s time to buckle down and get back in the routine I had in 2019.

With that being said, I’m working out again starting at 3 times a week rotating lifting and cardio and I’m calorie counting again. My general goal is around 1300, but I’ll up to 1600 if I’m feeling too tired at the gym. So essentially lower on rest days and higher on exercise days. I also still have cheat days here and there. I’m not overly intense in my opinion.

My family and friends of course know I’m working out and are seeing me actively log on my phone before meals. It’s not that people aren’t supportive… it’s more “well how much do you want to lose this time?” My response is always “I’m not quite sure, it’s less about the number and more about how I feel and look but I think my goal is around 130. I’m just kind playing it by ear.” I keep getting these contradictory responses “well you’ve lost so much already! 30 more pounds is A LOT! You look great! I can’t even tell you’ve gained anything” and I say “oh well thank you, but I’ve actually gained 20 pounds” and then get “well you were getting too skinny before! You don’t need to lose much.. you look healthy” so I simultaneously don’t look like I’ve gained weight but was also too skinny before?

I just want to say you look healthy are some of my least favorite words. Like if were skinny, I would look unhealthy? So I need to be “chubby” so I’ll look healthy? My current weight is OVER the recommended weight for my height. On top of the fact that I’m very long legged and gain all my weight in my mid section. Even at 200 pounds, people always commented on my skinny legs. So with my body type I could certainly fall on the lower end of recommended weight and be perfectly healthy. AND 130 isn’t even the lowest end for someone of my height.

It’s just discouraging and annoying for everyone around me to actually know I am taking care of myself but still believe I’ll be “too skinny” it I hit my goal weight. I am exercising. I count calories AND macros. I am willing to up my calories when I feel my body needs it. I am not afraid to have a cheat day. I am not starving myself, I am not doing a fad diet, my doctor fully supports my efforts and weight loss and was even impressed that I’m “losing weight the right way” sometimes it just seems like those who aren’t willing to try what I’m doing simply don’t support me because they are bummed they don’t have the motivation to do this themselves. So instead of “congrats! Wish I was that motivated” I’m constantly hit from angles that I’m being too intense, not healthy, too skinny, obsessed with weight loss, etc. like guys, I just calorie count and exercise I’m perfectly healthy.

submitted by /u/luckylua
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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