Sunday, June 13, 2021

Finding It Hard To Celebrate My Achievements With My Friends Who Have Gained Weight

Hey, I'm 26F, 5ft6 and 156lb as of this morning I think?

I just had my first meet up with people since I started losing weight (23lb so far, thank you, thank you 😏) and pretty much everyone in the group of friends besides my bf was overweight or obese in the past, my bf being the other way and being underweight) I was straddling the healthy/overweight bmi for years but tipped over during lockdown.

Now I'm back in the green and feeling great, but I also stopped drinking most alcohol and sodas and don't eat as much junk food or at least not in large quantities (my friends actually eat a lot of really diverse food groups and seen to get a good bit of everything, but I guess maybe portions are the thing? IDK and it's not polite to ask so I never would). But as is the case for most over lockdown a few of them have put weight on and I only briefly mentioned exercise and diet and stuff as it prompted immediate comments of 'well I've just gained weight' so it felt like I shouldn't talk about it any more so I didn't.

It sucks though because lately, exercise and diet has been a really good source of joy for me, I've got my life back, I can walk for miles when previously my joints were so shit I couldn't go further than a mile. I feel horrible celebrating my loss and success vocally because I just feel like I'm showing off or rubbing it in. I also struggle because social gatherings are usually around food and drink and I feel like it's noticeable that I skipped the snacks and just waited for the main course or that I couldn't really get excited about the idea of drinking again like everyone else was. I don't really miss alcohol like I thought I would. I also don't wanna sit and talk about food like I used to do. I feel like my interests don't align as much and I don't want to talk too much about exercise or the fun stuff I can do now because it feels like I'm rubbing my achievements in peoples faces because it inevitably leads to others making semi joking comments about their own lack of success and such.

I also feel somehow guilty for now being able to turn food down or not eat if I'm not hungry. There was definitely a spirit of everyone not wanting to waste food and wanting to finish everything left on the table and thankfully no one tried to get me to eat anything I didn't want, which I'm grateful for. I guess I just hadn't really thought about the role of food in social settings before now and was a bit left adrift on where I fit into it now?

Has anyone else had any experience with realising they now don't eat the same way as their friends and feeling a little anxious about it? Or feeling guilty for sharing accomplishments? How did you manage to get through it and how do find ways to celebrate without feeling like a monumental butthole in front of those struggling with weight loss or those who aren't wanting to lose weight and who you don't want to offend or imply that you think everyone has to lose weight?

submitted by /u/xhayleyquinnx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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