Sunday, June 6, 2021

Finding it EXTREMELY difficult to manage my food intake.

TLDR (Although I appreciate it if you read it a lot of details):

  1. Finding it hard to get back to my clean eating, drinking 3-5 liters of water a day, and consistent exercising.
  2. Replaced clean meals and water, coffee and tea exclusively with calorie dense snacks and meals with load of empty calories and diet sodas.
  3. Weight loss plateaued and seeking guidance on how to overcome it.
  4. Began to rationalize this diet because my weight is stable and bargaining with myself that "this is the last one, I will be back to my routine tomorrow".

I have been on a weight loss journey from December 2020 to the present. From December to April I was really dedicated to my diet and exercise and have gone from a starting weight of 297lbs to 243lbs. Everything was going well I was mentally strong but in April due to reasons I'd like to not disclose (I do not think it is relevant) I had to change my food both in intake and kinds of foods. I went from eating lean chicken breast, brown rice with quinoa, and an assortment of vegetables once a day (meal was really big so I ate it in portions) to basically unhealthy foods again. I was also plateauing with my weight loss so I didn't think it would be that big of a deal if I did not eat healthy for two weeks or so and would get back at it after the two weeks. Well those two weeks turned to six and I am finding it extremely hard to get back to the old ways of strict control. During my dieting period I did have unhealthy snacks and stuff and calorie dense foods with empty calories in my house but would find it easy to not eat it. I think those two weeks have rewired my brain and my food addiction has come back. I find myself rationalizing eating unhealthy foods in large amounts because I am not gaining weight (due to CICO). My motivation to exercise has also diminished. Back then I would feel bad if I missed one day of running due to the weather or life reasons, but now I rationalize it off saying "at least I am not gaining weight". I am concerned that I am finding it this hard to get back to a lifestyle that was so easy for me for almost half a year and it's all gone to waste within a two week period. Has anyone experienced something similar? How did you overcome it? Also if you ever overcame a plateau, how did you do it? Please note getting rid of all of the calorie dense foods in my house is not an option as I live with other people so will power is my only option. I would also like to note that back then I used to drink 3-5 liters of water a day and not drinking enough would be a cause of concern for me (no soda even diet or zero, but coffee/tea with 20-30 calories of creamer w/ sugar substitute), now my water intake has dropped let's say two liters on a "good" day and diet ginger ale and sprite are my new drink of choice. I realize I am giving the solutions to my problems in the questions but it's the habit forming part I am not able to do well. I am certain that since it took me two weeks to fall of, two weeks of strong will can restore my willpower (or at least I hope).

submitted by /u/PhantomusPrime
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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