Sunday, June 6, 2021

I am done trying to starve myself to lose weight.

I grew up pretty average but gained some weight in high-school. Just as university started I got really thin from an eating disorder. Then I met my husband who helped me emotionally and I was able to put on healthy weight and overcome that part of my past. For a while I maintained a healthy weight and even started to lift weights and get fit! I felt amazing!

Now, I know a lot of people talk about the "Freshman 15" but I didn't gain any weight as a freshman, instead I gained everything right after I graduated. I put on about 20 pounds super quickly. I know that doesn't sound like tons but I'm a short woman with a small frame and not much muscle, so it bumped me from being healthy to nearing overweight.

I'll admit, I had no idea how to lose weight except for restrict my calories to an extreme amount. That's all I had ever done before. So one year ago I started restricting my calories to 1,200 a day. As a result, for the past year I have been in a horrible cycle of eating 1,200 calories for 2-3 days and then binging 2,500+ calories and repeating. I'm really active and that's never been an issue for me, so 1,200 calories felt like torture, and all the weight loss issues lay in my diet. All that has happened is I've put on more and more weight and that would make me feel even more restrictive and continue the cycle.

I remember all the way back in August telling my husband how frustrated I was by all of this and he helped me calculate my calories on an app and tried to help me to just stick with that number. But events would loom on the horizon and I wanted to be thin for them. I constantly made those events my deadlines and I would go back to 1,200 calories/day to "lose the weight faster."

Let me emphasize something, trying to lose weight quickly is SPECIFICALLY why it has taken me so LONG to lose the weight. If I had actually stuck with the higher number my husband helped me calculate I would have reached my goal all the way back in November!! That's 7 months ago! I could have even eaten more than that number and already hit my goal. Instead I have just been roughly maintaining/lightly gaining because of all of the binging.

It's time for me to just have some patience! I know the number I need to eat to lose slowly and steadily and I need to just stick to it. I can't keep chasing fast weight loss for whatever event is coming up in 4 weeks. 😌
I'm sorry if this post is the most obvious conclusion ever, it's just a really big realization for me that hurrying has made the journey slower.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.

submitted by /u/velvetmaple
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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