Monday, June 14, 2021

Has anyone ever had their metabolism just completely halt?

Hi loseit! I’ve been an active member of this community for years but have created this throwaway account to ask this question. Everyone always has such great advice here.

Quick background: I’m a 26F and fairly tall (5’7”). My weight loss journey started at the beginning of the quarantine - I’d just come off an awful stomach parasite that left me hospitalized and my weight was a mess - couldn’t keep anything down, then pumped up with sodium and fluids, I was a disaster. I started at ~138 lb and the quarantine catapulted me into weight loss.

I will admit I did not lose the weight smartly. I hit my goal weight of 128 lb in June 2020 by severely under eating. I continued the deficit and got down to 120 lb by the end of the year. But in 2021, things went nuts. I started bingeing again and weight slowly came back on. It’s been a pretty crazy cycle of binge/restrict for the first half of the year and I’ve gained some weight back. But I’ve been on track for about a month now and am at a crazy low deficit and my weight is totally stagnant. I should be losing weight and I’m just not.

Has anyone had this happen to them? I think my metabolism is just unresponsive because my body is so starved. How do I rev my metabolism back up? Do I up my calorie intake? Do I up my protein intake? If so, how? Any advice or personal stories would be so appreciated!

submitted by /u/Otherwise_Friend6358
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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