Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Holy shit - I’m now a person who exercises

I just feel like this is a huge win for me and I needed to share somewhere.

The TL;DR is that for the first time in my life, I took a break from working out and actually started back into it in a reasonable time frame. I’m so happy right now.

I used to be a person who every few years would force myself to exercise for a while until I slowly stopped. In Feb 2020 I finally got into going to the gym and was really liking it. Then the pandemic hit and I stopped working out entirely for 11 months. About 5 of those months were spent mentally trying to get in the headspace of making healthy choices.

In Feb 2021 I decided enough was enough and committed. Worked out 5 days a week in Feb, 6 days a week in March, and 7 days a week in April. In May I started some landscaping projects in my yard that were pretty physically demanding so those took the place of my workouts. I did that for 3 weeks, then took a week off to rest. I was planning to start back up the first week of June but I put it off and I realized I hadn’t been eating as healthy as I should for a few weeks and my weight loss had plateaued. Then I started gaining weight. I knew it was now or never. Just finished my 3rd workout in as many days and I feel great. I love it. The first day back was a bit lower energy. The second day felt better. And today I’m sore as hell but I feel fantastic. I never thought I’d be the person who missed working out.

submitted by /u/UsedToBeAdam
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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