Sunday, June 6, 2021

How do I still be motivated around others progressing much more than me?

So I started at 80kg and now weigh 77 kgs (on my good days). I lost this weight over 42 days meaning I am losing a pound a week which is my aim.

I count calories and exercise every now and then and I am personally happy at my slow weight loss because I want it to be a realistic lifestyle change.

The thing is, people around me who suddenly decide to "get fit" go full out and lose fast and look much better than me at a faster rate. I am talking they cut hard and exercise almost daily and lose up to 6-8 kgs in one month. And they lose inches and looks amazing.

It demotivates me. It makes me feel fat and makes me feel like I am not doing enough. I work a demanding job and I know no matter how hard I stick to an intense regimen, I will not keep it up forever and will fall off the wagon. That is why I am tryint to approach this as slow and as realistic as possible.

It is just I don't feel as great in comparison to others . Did I lose weight? Yes. Did I lose inches? Yes. Do my before and after pics show a change? Yes. But I still feel fat and a failure compared to the others who are "hitting the gym hard".

What can I do? :/

submitted by /u/qt_plastique
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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