Sunday, June 6, 2021

The Push I Needed

From January to April-ish, I was rocking it. Did a Biggest Loser thing at work and won, losing 40 of my 300 lbs. Then spring break hit (I teach) and a week of lazyness and overeating became a month, then more.

I never fell totally off the wagon -- more like I was dragging behind the wagon, clinging by the fingertips, struggling to get back on. I've done this before, losing about that much weight and then falling off and putting it all back on. I really didn't want to fall off again, but goddamn ice cream and pizza are just so good, and getting takeout is so convenient.

Cue summer break a week ago (and thank the gods for that). I am walking every morning, 5 miles to get my 10,000 steps in, and I'm eating okaaaaay but then going over with late night munchies. I'm up 5 lbs from April and mad at myself for it. And on one of my walks, I walk past an old man, looked at least 80 and ambling slowly down the bike path, who quips, "I figured you'd catch me, you're young." To which I joked "Young yes, but heavy enough to be slow." He says "Well, you're working on it and good for you." I appreciated the comment and move on, didn't give it much more thought.

The next day I see him again, and he stops me. He tells me a story about his daughter, nothing groundbreaking, but he says she shed a lot of weight, and explains all she did was buy smaller plates. "Portion control, that's what you need."

I have been fighting my weight on an off, actually trying to do something about it, for years. I am all about CICO. I know weight loss is 90% food and 10% exercise (which sucks because I actually enjoy exercising, I just love eating too much). He didn't teach me anything new. But somehow, this random stranger, remembering me, and trying to help with his advice was like Gandalf arriving at first light on the fifth day. I was flagging, about to lose the battle, and it gave me what I needed to pick myself back up again. Less than week later I'm back down 2.5 lbs. More importantly, I'm firmly back in the groove and back on the wagon. And I'm already so much happier, because dragging behind the wagon suuuucks.

So here's me paying it forward. If you're dragging behind your wagon, here's an internet stranger telling you that you can do this. That pizza is good for a few minutes, but it's not worth feeling like crap about yourself afterwards for eating it. Don't beat yourself up and think you've ruined it all when you lose progress, just be determined not to lose any more and get back on it. We can do this!

submitted by /u/Biddybink
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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