Monday, June 7, 2021

Weight Loss update, 76.4pds lost since Jan!

S: M, SW: 318pds, CW: 241.6pds, GW: 200pds, H: 5' 10" Age: 31

This marks my 20th week of weight loss and it has been one hell of a journey so far. 76.4pds is a lot of weight no longer dragging me down. I wanted to post an update as I often lurk on this sub reddit reading your stories and following your journeys and felt I should add to the community.

I've been keeping track of my calories with the FatSecret app and I haven't been following any particular diet beyond CICO. I started at 1800 calories but when I hit 50lbs lost I dropped it to 1549 calories a day. I typically have a 2 egg omelet with onion, mushrooms, green peppers, tomatoes, and 30g of mozzarella cheese for breakfast. For lunch I have 1 ham sandwich with light miracle whip, mustard, lettuce, munster cheese slice, and tomato with a banana on the side. (bread is toasted, and ham is grilled with cheese melted on top). For dinner I either have chicken breast and rice with homemade curry or a bowl filled with tuna, onion, radish, celery, a touch of lemon juice and just enough light miracle whip to keep it all together (plus loads of dill) and 3 hard boiled eggs cut up into it. For snack I have an orange usually between lunch and dinner.

I have kept myself from any unplanned binges or diet breaks and have only broken my diet for one week where a very dear friend who had moved away came to visit and the friend group had a couple very nice dinners with him during his stay. Only lost .2pds that week but hey I was expecting a weight gain that week so that's a win in my book.

I've also been going to the gym 5x a week consistently (never less than 4x). I currently do 4 days of cardio on the stationary bike for one hour. typically I am able to hit the mid 22 miles in that hour with my current record being 23.56 miles. (this is all on level 7 of hill plus mode which alternates between easy and hard settings on a one minute cycle) . Which considering I couldn't even do 12 miles in an hour when I started is pretty damn good. On the 5th gym day I do upper body resistance weight lifting. I know I don't lift often enough to see any serious strength gains its mostly to give my legs another chance to rest and help offset any muscle loss due to my weight loss. If I have any time left I use the rowing machine (typically 10 min).

my journey so far has been very hard, I'm not going to lie I am sore tired and hungry all of the time but it has been worth it. It is so much easier going up stairs, bending over, getting up and all other daily activity you can imagine even if I'm sore. My heart burn which before I started was a painfully daily event is entirely gone. On my rest days I do have a lot more energy and I can stand for so much longer without my back looking at me like a strict nun and letting its displeasure be known.

I've dropped 6 pant sizes and went from the last notch on my best to the first (going to need a new one soon), I can fit into all my older clothes which were most of my nice clothes which I gotta say its been good being able to fit into all of these button down shirts again rather than the polos.

My family has been very supportive, I even got my dad and mom on the weight loss train, my dad's lost just over 50pds and my mom is down 22pds (she was in the best shape of the 3 of us). My friends and coworkers have been encouraging and highly motivating. I can't express how much all of this has helped me stay motivated. Not to mention all of the passive encouragement I've received from lurking on this subreddit.

I'm not quite in the home stretch yet but I can see the finish line and I have been thinking about the end. Once I hit 200 pds I plan on reverse dieting my way to maintenance (while lowering but not eliminating my gym days) and then rest for a few weeks before switching over to and figuring out how to change to a muscle building fitness regime.

Thank you all for listening to my little rant, and for everyone who is still on their own fitness journey keep up the good work and please post about your journey and progress and gains below, the more we support each other the better we do.

submitted by /u/Shorewood364283
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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