Wednesday, September 15, 2021

A reminder to check in on your mental health

I wanted to make a post because I see a lot of red flags in the threads here and I don’t think it’s really addressed enough (in fact it’s often encouraged).

(TW for discussion of disordered eating below).

The road to an eating disorder isn’t a direct line. It isn’t always what you see in the after school specials. It isn’t all teenage girls. You can have an eating disorder at any size, just like you can be healthy with some extra lbs.

It’s so important to check in with yourself and your relationship with food and exercise.

Are you obsessively counting calories? Do you get anxious when (or constantly avoid) eating food you didn’t prepare yourself because you don’t know the calorie count? Do you have “fear foods” that you’ve sworn never to eat again because you love them but they’re too high cal for you? Do you self-deprecate or even punish yourself if you eat something “bad” or miss a day at the gym? Do you go periods of time with heavy food restriction only to binge eat later, then react by restricting calories again?

These are all behaviors I’ve just seen comments describing in less than 10 minutes here. They’re also signs of disordered eating patterns.

I hid my eating disorder behind comments like these for years. Along with phrases like “oh I’m just not hungry in the morning”, “I’m so busy I forgot to eat!” all while getting compliments from friends and family on my weight loss.

I’m finally at a point where I can intentionally try to lose a few pounds without going into that rabbit hole. But I see so much familiarity in the members of this community that it makes me concerned for a lot of you. Some of these threads look exactly like the pro-ana message boards I would frequent 10 years ago. I just saw someone say nuts aren’t healthy because they’re “high in fat”. Fat is not the enemy. Carbs are not the enemy. Food isn’t the enemy.

Just please be careful with yourselves.

submitted by /u/sunlit_cairn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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