Saturday, September 11, 2021

back to day one (sort of)

so. my highest weight was 287 lbs; then when i weighed myself in march i was down to 263.4 lbs. i got down to about 230 and was feeling great, kind of just maintaining and taking a break while my health got worse. (i'm chronically ill so it's fuuuuun.) i was pretty comfortable being paleo, working out every day, and generally just maintaining everything... and then i fell off the wagon a few weeks ago. i started eating carbs and sugar again, stopped working out, and now i am most definitely paying for it lol

so now i'm 245.2 lbs. i was expecting to gain more after i started eating crap again, but honestly i'll take it! i'm not sure which diet i want to do... i don't mind being paleo, but it's more restrictive than i like. i'm considering trying keto or cico, but i also have a history with disordered eating (atypical anorexia and binge eating disorder) so it's definitely something i'd have to be careful about.

either way, i'm going to get back into working out here tomorrow. i can't do weights right now (i messed up my wrist and shoulder at work today), and can't run or anything like that either (my body and joints physically can't handle it because i have a degenerative connective tissue disorder), but i'm going to start going on walks every single day for at least a half hour, if not more. autumn is my favorite season, so why not get out and enjoy it?

i'm excited to see how much progress i make this autumn and winter. i've been obese for almost 10 years now, and always used to dream of just magically getting a summer body somehow. but i've learned that instead, it takes hard work, blood, sweat and tears, and i'm ready to work my hardest this autumn and winter to become healthier, not for anybody else, but for me. so if anybody wants to work on themselves this winter, why not let this post be a sign? i'm always open to making weight loss buddies, even if we just message once a week to see how we're doing.

we all got this. it's an uphill battle that kicks your ass sometimes, but in the end, it's worth it.

submitted by /u/quinnaves
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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