Thursday, September 16, 2021

Beginning of my journey - 26F | SW: 67,9 kg - CW: 67,6 kg - GW: 59,0 kg

Hello losers! After a long time lurking in the shadows of this subreddit, I finally decided at the end of August to take the bait and buy a scale. It was a bit scary for me because I moved countries less than a year ago and, while it has been a very good decision overall, it has also been quite stressful and I knew I had gained some weight. Also, I don't have the _healthiest_ relationship with my body, so I was afraid it would mean I'd go down an anxiety spiral over how fat I was.

Two days later, my new scale arrived. The verdict: 4 kg more than before moving. I understand that, for many of you, it might seem like nothing (and that I'm worrying about something completely minor) but, while I'm still in the "normal" BMI range, I'm now quite close to "overweight", and also the heaviest I've ever been.

What has been even more of a slap in the face is the fact that I'm completely unable to lose any weight. Granted, it's only been two weeks, but the scale has not moved even a little bit (except for normal fluctuations, like my period etc.). I had expected to maybe have lost half a kilo or something, but nope. Nada.

I eat mostly plant-based and home-cooked meals; lots of beans, veggies, eggs (but I also do have a bit of an obsession with croissants, and on any given week probably end up eating at least a couple). I never drink sodas, and only drink alcohol one or two nights a week when going out with friends. I've been doing some IF and calorie-counting, while also exercising (almost) every day.

I'm just doing this post for accountability to myself, because even though I started two weeks ago I'm already feeling a bit discouraged. I'll try to update every two weeks/monthly, just to keep up with my progress (if it ever happens).

All comments are welcome, of course! Especially if you have any idea on what I can do to improve my journey to weight loss :)

submitted by /u/nataychocolate
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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