Monday, September 20, 2021

Breaking 290 for first time 10 years!

  • 34M 6'0" SW:345 CW:289 GW:185, Desk job, working from home father of 3.

TLDR: BACKGROUND: Athletic, but always been big, DIET: quit drinking Keto/IF, WORKOUT: Mostly low impact walking, OTHER: Recently started phentermine, far from my goal and hope to see all of you along the way and be there to cheer you along as well.

This was a pretty big day for me since it is the very first time that I have weighed less than 290 in nearly 10 years. I remember 10 years ago, after having gone from 325 down to 275 that I was never going to be over 300 again. How naive I was... The peak of my weight was at the end of 2019, at 345 when I decided that I needed a change. My knees hurt, and my back ached. I had to stop playing sports because the pain was just too much and risk of injury too high. The only sport I could still manage was golf.


All my life I was considered, 'One of the big kids'. Frequently referred to as, 'big guy', or 'big man' as an adult which I detest. What kept me from really becoming huge as a child was the fact that I was always active. I was a 3 sport athlete in high school and played many intramural sports as well. I loved food, and would often eat until I was stuffed. At night, I used to sneak out of my room to go into the kitchen and drink glasses of milk that I mixed with sugar. I would also microwave hotdogs and eat those while everyone slept.

It wasn't until after high school though, when I discovered alcohol that my weight quickly got out of control. In my freshman year of college, I went from 250 to 285. Looking back it was always clear that I had an issue with alcohol. I was never one that could have just a glass of wine or two and be done. I would have the entire 12 pack, and later on the entire 24 pack and when I drank I would probably black out 1 out of every 5 times. I never had a 'rock bottom' moment so I never felt I had a reason to quit. Since the pandemic began, and I started working from home and my drinking started to take on a new life. I was consuming at least 6 days a week, and normally it was around 10-15 drinks per session. I wasnt blacking out often but I was often drunk and frequently hungover.

Now, 17 years later I have finally decided that I no longer want to continue my relationship with alcohol. As of today, I have been completely dry for 3 months and I honestly feel that I am a much better father, husband, employee, friend, and person. It took a bit of will power at first but now feels like its part of me. The only person that actually knows I am no longer drinking is my wife. Not because I am embarrassed about it, but because I don't want to have to explain my reasoning and I don't like how people feel bad about drinking around people that are sober. I honestly have no problem being at parties and not drinking. I stopped drinking for brief periods of my life for weight loss reasons and I always found it annoying having to talk about it.


I have always enjoyed meats and cheeses so when I found out 11 years ago that on a ketogenic diet you could lose weight and pretty much just eat those things I was sold (oversimplified I know). It was at that time that I decided I wanted to try and focus on eating right, and my diet consisted mainly of grilled chicken, broccoli, sautéed spinach, bunless cheese burgers, eggs, and of course bacon. Fast forward to today; My diet is strict keto, and I also follow a 16:8 intermittent fast. Dieting is hard, but I find that keto, and IF help me to control my hunger


Weightlifting and fitness has been a part of my life since I started football back in the 4th grade so this has actually been the easier part for me. The hardest part is starting the routine again, because breaking a cycle of lazing around the house is difficult. My routine consists mostly of low impact cardio like walking/cycling/elliptical. I average around 22K steps per day and shoot for at least 20K. I often walk circles in my basement watching movies if I need to get to my goal. I will be incorporating weightlifting back into my routine soon but will ease into it since I am not a young 20-something anymore.


Supplements: I take a number of daily supplements but most important for me are my magnesium glycinate, I also take a curcumin/piperine blend for inflammation control. Creatine is also a staple here.

Drugs: In the past I had tried Victoza which is a drug given to diabetics. It is injected directly into the abdomen. It kinda just makes you feel full for many hours but I did not love the feeling so I stopped this years ago and only did about 2 months of it. I currently am trying phentermine and will see how that goes for a few months.

I created this account solely for the purpose of documenting my weight loss journey but I have been lurking on this sub for a very long time. I hope that I am able to provide some insights to others and to get advice from the community as well. I could honestly write multiple long posts about my experience and thoughts on each of these subjects. I will try to respond to as many questions as are posited and happy to provide additional context.

submitted by /u/TheMexicanLeprechaun
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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