Monday, September 20, 2021

[Study] What you eat matters: High-glycemic load foods (highly processed carbs) stimulate hunger and fat storing hormones

I've been having difficulty with my weight management and have been reading some current studies around weight loss. I came across this study that suggests that highly processed carbs can actually increase your appetite and simulate hormones that store fat. So even though you're eating enough, your body isn't treating it like it's enough.

When we eat highly processed carbohydrates, the body increases insulin secretion and suppresses glucagon secretion. This, in turn, signals fat cells to store more calories, leaving fewer calories available to fuel muscles and other metabolically active tissues. The brain perceives that the body isn't getting enough energy, which, in turn, leads to feelings of hunger. In addition, metabolism may slow down in the body's attempt to conserve fuel. Thus, we tend to remain hungry, even as we continue to gain excess fat.

Often on reddit, with the CICO approach, I tend to see (simplified) advice that it doesn't really matter what you eat as long as you're under calories. But long term, this advice ended up being more harmful than helpful for me.

So I thought this was an interesting article that provides some insight about how/why processed carbs aren't very good for you, and how can make it feel like you're fighting a losing battle when you're trying to follow your CICO. I know I tended to pick up pre-packaged food for the convenience of counting.

It also showed me how not every calorie is the same. I knew that proteins and fat made you feel fuller for longer., but I hadn't really considered how negative processed carbs could be. And personally, I feel like it points out one of the biggest issues I've been having recently. I had a life change, and that led to a diet change, and I couldn't figure out what went so wrong (I was hungry a lot more, putting on weight) but I think it might actually be related to eating a lot more processed carbs.

As a result, I think I'm going to thoughtfully clean out my pantry a bit. Whatever is in there at the moment isn't really helping me get/maintain a good nutritious diet. I still love and eat plenty of lean proteins, vegetables, etc, but I think my snacking has changed from something like a yoghurt to a biscuit and it's just not working.

submitted by /u/looking-out
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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