Monday, September 6, 2021

Did weight loss also 'unlock' some memories for you guys as well? [Potential trigger topic]

Hello lovely folks of r/loseit !

I understand that this can be a very sensitive topic but I'd like to talk about this anyway.

Over the course of the past year of me losing a substantial amount of weight I every now and then experienced flashbacks from the past. These flashbacks sometimes can make you re-live less significant situations like once I reduced the size of my love handles I suddenly remembered the feeling/situation when I was 17 and they showed up for the first time. But they can also unlock the memories of very significant moments from the past like remembering the feeling of actual being comfortable in your own skin. For me it occured the first time this summer when we went on a vacation to see friends we haven't seen in a year and we spent a lot of time naked/in swimsuits (sauna, hot tub, pool and beach) and I felt amazing about my own body. Then it occured to me that last time I felt this good about my body was when I was 14 and I was skating every day. I could actually remember standing in front of my parents bath room mirror and thinking to myself 'dude you look pretty good'. It made me very sad to realize that I haven't actually felt good about my body for about 15 years...

So yeah I'm super curious how many hidden memories more there still are left for me to unlock by going further.

Have you experienced anything relatable? As stated in the beginning this is a sensitive and potentially triggering topic so please be civil and nice in your comments!

submitted by /u/MarshmellowGolem
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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